G4 Mirror Drive Door conversion to....... NOT A HACKAMAC !

23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
I am not sure yet. Freenas? Windows file sharing? IDK.

Basically my NAS is full and it is over ten years old. It is SMB1, so I continually have to keep telling Windows to see it, and then enabling the drives every time I log on. I have been meaning to get a new NAS, but I wanted something that has more scope.

A single bay Synology is £100+. Dual and god forbid 4-6 bay? a fortune. So, I decided that I had the room for something full size so may as well do that. I bought this a couple of days back for £30.


Apparently it is fully functional.


However I am not into playing with old MACs. It is boring, frustrating, and inevitably a total waste of time because they are like hot toffee dog poo. Very slow.

So my intention was to gut it out and convert it to MATX. I ordered it, wondered why it was so cheap and then it hit me. It is BTX. Fudge.

This isn't out of my realm, as I do believe I was the first person ever to mod a G3 into a PC in 2004. I also painted it florescent colours and called it Radiomactive !


Like I said, that was 16 years ago and it was the fashion. I also did a bloody good job of it, if I do say so myself.



It was time consuming alright, but inevitably quite easy. The hardest part other than the weeks of paint and lacquer was retaining the drive door lever. That was quite a challenge !

Any way, I decided I wanted to do something similar with the MDD (what these are known as) but as I said, BTX. There are no conversion kits available for this. That said I would not pay £50+ for one any way, as I don't want to fit a GPU or anything given this will just be to stream media and store backups etc.

If you look at the back you can see what I am talking about.


So the aim is to retain pretty much all of that look. Now obviously I needed a donor patient. Something compatible and easy to put in there.


I chose the Dell Optiplex 7010 SFF. I did this for a few reasons. 1. the stock PSU in it should fit in the MDD without too much aggro. 2. The board layout is ideal. Mostly because instead of just one PCIE slot that ITX has (and would hobble me later) it has two, and is a good shape for this mod.


The specs are not remarkable (I5 3470, 8gb RAM etc). But then neither was the price (£50 inc).

The PSU in it looks like this.


However, do note that it won't be alone in there..... One PSU is enough to get the PC running but adding 6 hard drives and gawd knows what else to the mix is a no no, so that particular PSU will be taken apart and the 24 pin completely removed and will just run the hard drives alone. I then ordered this tiny little Delta PSU to run the board and etc.


Or the other way around. I don't know where they are going just yet... I ordered these from OCUK yesterday along with a HDD to get me started (I need to migrate my NAS data off the NAS before I can wipe the drives in it, they are only 1tb x 2.


There is a full silver Bitfenix extension set there (PCIE which I won't use, EPS, 24 pin etc) and I ordered a molex to 5 SATA power too. So that should cover the wiring.

Now I was going to do it something like this.


with the board inside like that. However, I then saw that some guy had done this.


Which was very clever. Mostly because you don't have to destroy the case at all. I noted he used mining risers which was very clever so I ordered two. I used them in my new £4k PC and they worked perfectly for a sound card. I will be using them for maybe a sound card, but more likely some SATA cards to attach more drives to. Either way I will configure both and fit them, then decide what will go into them later.


So how am I going to connect everything? easy. Let's start with the DP.


But what about the NIC (cheers penis :P )


I will then wire two 3.5mm jacks in too. I also ordered this just the noo.


And that will basically replace all of the IO that will be missing once I tear out the insides. Like I said, I am going for a total stock look (as it's nice.. You can see where they got the cheese grater design from now !).

I could break out more of the IO but I just don't see the point. Remember, this is not a fully functioning gaming rig I am building but a utilitarian machine. So, don't expect it to look particularly nice in there (no I am not painting the chassis etc etc) and I am not cutting windows into it. I just want it to look exactly as it does now, only cleaner (it looks dusty AF) and original to fit with my flat's interior.

I may fit some front USB to a panel behind the drive door? to put in USB sticks or what not but then again I doubt I will do that either.

There really isn't much more I can do now until stuff starts arriving.

Mods - this is not a hackintosh and I will not be installing any Apple software on it at all. Like I said, Freenas, maybe Windows server? IDK. But certainly not Apple. It is just a case mod is all :)
so that particular PSU will be taken apart and the 24 pin completely removed and will just run the hard drives alone. I then ordered this tiny little Delta PSU to run the board and etc.
Or the other way around.

My vote (this is a democracy, right?!) is for "the other way around". The Delta PSU doesn't seem to have a 24 pin connector on it in the first place unless its hiding REALLY well.

The other popular one (more complicated but perhaps more capable if that's attractive) is UnRAID. Worth a look to see if it fits your use-case better/worse/at all.
It does have a 24 pin *I think*. *looks for the model number on the fly*...


Yeah, it does. It's just a really badly taken picture. TBH they are both around the same power and spec, so it doesn't matter. That is why I bought the extension kit and SATA power kit etc.

I sent you an email. I am awful confused. I would like to use FreeNAS. Drive amount is key here, not complexity. I just want 4, maybe more drives in there that I can access with my PCs, VLC and etc. To play my music, films etc.

TBH the PSU positioning will probably dictate which goes to which. Thankfully I had an awful, awful lot of superfluous crap left over that I bought for the big build in May but never used. Lots of fan extensions, PCIE ribbons, etc. Just tons of crap that never got used because I didn't realise it all came with the fans and etc. So for modding supplies for htis one I am very good indeed. I even have two power switches (vandal) one is tiny the other slightly larger.

Oh and before any one spots it. Yeah, that is not a NAS specific drive. I will explain why... Basically I only use my NAS when I am home. I don't access it from elsewhere, and when I leave I turn it all off. So it only needs to be "on" when I am (like, awake not bleeding from my bottom). Which right now isn't much. The drives in my NAS are not NAS drives, they are not in RAID or anything and have done perfectly well for 5 years now.

The option to access the DATA from other locations would go down very well, mind, as it would save me continually carrying crap between four computers.

Just bought that for £14. It is set up as JBOD, which is what I want to run. Cables are about £7 each, will grab some of those later.

I checked and it runs perfectly on FreeNAS with JBOD, so I will be using FreeNAS now for sure.
SAS cable ordered.


Initially it will get four hdds. Two 1tb and one 2tb. TBH that is about triple what I need storage wise.
If you're ordering disks (rather than just using some that were lying about) then make them all the same size. It'll make fault tolerance easier...and it's worth having the first time you get a disk fail on you!
I ordered a 2tb from OCUK. I have a couple of 1tb, and possibly a 2tb Firecuda... Actually no, let's change that to "Probably a 2tb Firecuda". Not possibly. IIRC I ordered two identical 1tb drives ages ago. One for the Xbox (which I don't need now) and one for the NAS. I *think* they are the same, and they were CCTV drives so server grade as speed wasn't important to me then.

Right well I almost invested in a rivnut set up. Almost.


I got those for 8 quid. The closer I can get the board to the wall of the door the better, as height is not important (given I am mounting the board "remotely".) I will, however, need a way of holding the SAS card to the mobo because it is X8 and I am not buying a X8 riser. I can't run it in the mining thing either. So I got some M3 threaded rod.


What I will then do is fit a brass socket into the board, put the rod in that and put a nut on the top. That way if I do decide to move the SAS card or replace it I can just take out the rod from inside without removing the plastic panels to get to the back side.
Check that the thread on the standoffs goes all the way up to the shoulder. Bought a very similar looking set (but M2.5 for Pi instead of M3) and on the size up from smallest the male thread on about half of them didn't go all the way to the hex so you couldn't screw them all the way in and hence they weren't stable or level. Yours could be fine but just check before you get that far!
I can cut them down tbh. Only four really matter to get the board in secure. It's not like I am piling a load of weight onto the board.

Somewhere (note the somewhere part) I have a crap ton of quite short M3 button allen nuts left over from when I did the gut and refit on the Area 51. Like, some of them are 6mm and the board has to be what? 2-3mm thick? so would easily seat into a 5mm shank. If not I also bought a buttload of washers that are somewhere too. Probably in the the same somewhere :D

I don't know how much I can get done. I have one week at ma's (where everything will be done) before we have guests arriving, then I have to be back here next weekend (Sunday) to sort out my affairs (mental health team mainly, they have been absent for 5 months now). It may be 2+ weeks before I can even start it.

Still, that doesn't stop the fun of buying tons and tons of crap.
Nope, you can't cut them down to fix the issue. This is the problem to look out for:


See where the thread doesn't go all the way to the end? You can't then screw those all the way into the backplate so they'll wobble and also they'll be 1mm taller than the rest. Yours could be fine but just have a check. I got away with it by using the other sizes for some as I was mounting several different boards to one plate. Was definitely a "What the....?!" moment though.
Oh that doesn't matter dude. Couple of washers on the back side. I thought you mean't the screws that go in them were too long.

The easiest way to get around that is to just use the sleeved ones and two screws (spit roast the bugger !).
A washer between the standoff and the plate it screws into would work as long as you did all of them the same. My issue was that I was already fighting for millimetres - would it be 1mm clear of the fan blade or 1mm into them?! Had to mill some of them down from 6mm to 4mm and generally make life difficult for myself. And didn't have space for a screw head on the back side like you're suggesting - which would also work if you have the space; mine had to be flush with the back of the plate.
That sucks. Thankfully the gap between the inner metal chassis and plastic outer on these macs is quite high. Might even run a few cables through it tbh.

I know I will end up modding the inner chassis. I don't want to, but once that power file comes out and the sparks start flying it's just way too much fun.
OK yesterday I stripped out the Dell and gave it a good clean. Holy crap did it need one. It was absolutely filthy.


The RAID card.


The guts.


The Delta PSU, which I took apart earlier and converted to single MOLEX (because the braided silver SATA cables are Molex)


The PSUs are identical in size.


I chose the Dell one (well, FSP or whatever it actually is) because it has a flat fan profile which will be important later. You will see why...

The Apple should arrive tomorrow.
Did it so fast I didn't even get a pic of it whole. Ooops lol.



Now in the bag of modding goodies I half inched from my flat was a 200mm 180 mount Enermax Vegas.


I would say with a nice big hole in the bottom it will be splendid. They call this mac the wind tunnel, I would hate to disappoint.


Will need some jigsaw blades, not a prob.

Did get some goodies out of it.


A Delta 120 and two tiny Nidec. The hardest thing and what took me the longest was this thing.


I had to take the whole sodding PSU apart, bend up the body, drill out rivets etc etc. What a sod.


Where it belongs.


Pretty annoyed about this board tbh. It's like full size extra wide MATX.


It's not left me any room. HARUMPH. Still, everything does fit and the cooling should be very good given everything is right in front of that huge intake.



Yes, I have lost all my bloody Sharpies :(
Good job Apple didn't build the case backwards....that would have made it more awkward than needs be to get a motherboard mounted :-/
lol. Every other case they made was regular. Trust me to pick this one :D

Made my acrylic covers earlier. Well no, I designed, cut templates with the plotter, stuck them to acrylic and cut it all out. I have a nice jigsaw to do with some epoxy later or tomorrow....

One day of metalwork (if that) and I should be ready to start mounting stuff. I am not looking forward to polishing up the panels etc. It's going to be more work than that Alienware I did, that is for sure. I have ordered some plastx. Might even pop for a proper polishing mop too. I can use that on my bikes and etc too. Then again the front is the best part, and tbh? that is pretty much all you are going to see any way so maybe just clean and buffed by hand will do.

I need to keep remembering that this is a functional piece of hardware, not a 3 month modathon.

Bonus points for spotting the blood.
OK so here is what I have been up to. I made this first. It is held in with epoxy. It will need two holes drilled through it, and the case, to bolt in.


I also made this.


And this.


I had an issue. I only had window film for a bathroom. Like, etched look vinyl. When cut and stuck to the acrylic it is almost impossible to see. So the cuts were not the best, plus I was rushing because I was doing it in the house due to the inclement weather. That meant that plastic weld was off the option list, not that I have any any way. So I used a 3m clear tape (that is quite thick to fit the dodgy edges) and then epoxy bead along the joins. It worked. Not the cleanest thing I ever did, but it worked. I then cut and epoxied in the 8 pin power and 24 pin.


That is a "chuck together for photos very rapid assembly" Nothing is fixed or fitted properly.


This is how the power socket fits.



I also bought one of those amazing ACME holes that Bad Obsession used but screw my luck it didn't work :( I suppose I will have to cut mine.


Add to that a butt load of soldering and converting Apple hardware to liaise with Dell hardware and that is where I am at.
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