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G80 Pics

Gibbo said:
Plus H20/Air hybrid, so does that mean you can air cool it but if you H20 cool then you can clock it more or must it be H20 cooled?
It could be an aftermarket solution although the hybrid water/air rumour's been doing the rounds for a while...pure speculation of course.
Cyber-Mav said:
either way that card takes the wee. and i was scared of x1900 power consumption and heat :rolleyes:
What with the rumoured 250W requirments for the next gen ATI part and this having 2 PCI-E connectors, I can see 1K PSU's becoming the norm soon.
qwerty07 said:
It has to beat the GX2 so theres a start :p
Again, rumours seem to be of the opinion it will be faster than a 7950gx2, makes sense really, 5800>6800>7800, they all pretty much doubled in performance.
I think it's a november launch, i've personally got zero will power and will probably end up with a couple of them, I'm thinking of going for a 24" monitor so they'll be a nice new toy to play Crysis with.
Another good point made on the NV News forum is that the PCB is sporting the old nvidia logo so there's a very good chance the images are of an old reference board, could mean that the final design won't be as large.
If the external PSU thing is true then it'll negate having to upgrade the main power supply anyway. Personally I'm generally environmentally friendly (apart from my methane output) so I'm not going to lose any sleep over running an SLI G80 setup, sod the power requirements, I want Crysis running flat out not chugging along like an old lady on a Segway.
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