oo... that does make it more tempting :)

I'll be ordering something - is there anything similar emerging soon or is this the best 680 coming out in the near future?

Well if your serious in the second sentence, there are other many GTX680 options from EVGA being teased already such as 2GB/4GB For The Win edition, or the ultimate Classified edition. Superclocked edition (yours for £460) is already released with 1058MHz/1113MHz/6208MHz clocks & backplate. I'm more tempted by better cooling such as Gainward's Phantom & additional VRAM than silly little overclocks. Rumour has it that the 4GB GTX680 won't be released until the back end of the year - concentrate on the cooling for now.
That's what I mean... Similar offerings cooling/power wise... I want one with aftermarket cooling & something that may be able to offer 1400-1500 core is tempting. Probably worth waiting for reviews... If it doesnt clock much better than the palit, then it's not really worth the premium over others.

Just wondering if there will be others coming soon... I don't want to wait a month really.

Just wondering if there will be others coming soon... I don't want to wait a month really.

Going that high - a huge 50% increase on the core - would require volt modding & LN2 judging by what kingpin achieved - link for amusement.

I was awaiting AMD 7990 to push forward further editions from Nvidia but both camps non-reference editions have slightly increased clocks, custom coolers, and performs quite similar once overclocked. At default clocks the GTX680 is very capable all the way up to 2560x1600 bar Crysis Warhead and Metro where memory bandwidth from 7970 matters most. The overclocking isn't straight forward because of the multiple-step GPU boost clock technology compared to the simpler AMD route of which we will eventually get the hang of.

I would suggest reading a few guides to master that on Kepler since Thermal Design Power restricts performance boosts (not a full throttle) - the higher the load the lower the overclocked frequency (lower loads equals higher clocks but unsure of percentage increases) and never dropping below default clocks. Despite reading much about this technology, it'll be like trying to completely understand the movie Inception because the GPU boost works on approx 15 levels!
It's a £100+ more than a normal 680. You can get a 680 + waterblock and still have 30 quid change.

Granted you get the nice power regs etc.

Some people have no interest in waterblocks but still want a fast, overclockable and Quiet card.

£100 for an improved cooler? :eek:

For five Grand you can get a perfectly good car, so why do people spend £200,000 on Ferrari's and Lambos????

Its a high end product and, as such, commands a much higher price tag. Simples.

You can apply this to pretty much any purchase.....Tesco Kettle = £5......Breville kettle = £60.

Why do people have such a massive problem with this???:confused:

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Its a high end card.....whats to LOL about?:confused:

It's over £500 quid, for a graphics card. You and I know it's a high end card, we also know it's overkill.

If you forgot everything you know, and someone came up to you and asked - what's a graphics card worth to you? You'd say something along the lines of...

- As cheap as possible
- It just needs to run the games I play

You can get that for £200 ish. Or for lolz sake, you can get the 580 in this thread for £300 ish.

I just don't see the logic in why peeps would pay £500+ for the 680. Clearly they are doing, but I don't get it.
However much I love this, I can't justify buying this at the same price as an OcUK h20 680....

Hell, I could buy a 580 and full watercooling loop for a similar price...

It's over £500 quid, for a graphics card. You and I know it's a high end card, we also know it's overkill.

If you forgot everything you know, and someone came up to you and asked - what's a graphics card worth to you? You'd say something along the lines of...

- As cheap as possible
- It just needs to run the games I play

You can get that for £200 ish. Or for lolz sake, you can get the 580 in this thread for £300 ish.

I just don't see the logic in why peeps would pay £500+ for the 680. Clearly they are doing, but I don't get it.

What....same as they did for the:

GTX 590
GTX 295
8800 ultra
6800 ultra

Overkill?? A ferrari is overkill.....who needs a 200MPH car when the speed limit is 70mph?....a car that costs £100K= when a £10K car will more than happily suffice???? Don't see Ferrari short of customers!

This is OcUK forums mate.....a company who's existence came about for the sole purpose of providing "ONLY THE BEST PERFORMANCE HARDWARE"......NOT the cheapest/ run of the mill/ bog standard parts. A company who's forums are the home of thousands of people who spend more on a graphics card than most people do on a PC. There are HUNDREDS of guys on here with £250+ CASES for crying out loud.!!!!!!!

People on here have paid £700+ for a CPU!!!!

I simply cannot for the life of me see how your point can possibly hold any validity on a forum like this!:confused::p
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I have paid similar amounts for my i7 990x and my old hd 6990 and still think it's too much for a single non watercooled card. Sadly the competitors have it priced the same, so it looks like we are in a like it or lump it situation with the price.
I have paid similar amounts for my i7 990x and my old hd 6990 and still think it's too much for a single non watercooled card. Sadly the competitors have it priced the same, so it looks like we are in a like it or lump it situation with the price.
Prices are being increased due to demand, there is no alternative for 680s now so people WILL buy this. Unless people are willing to buy a 7970.
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It would help buyers of the Phantom 680 to know this is classed as a "2.5 Slot Fan cooler" as stated on Gainwood's website.


WAY sooner than that matey ;)

Hi Andy, to clarify I was referring to the Classified edition with a rumoured 4GB VRAM. For The Win 4GB edition - due May at the latest - is a nice addition for the restless here with big screen gaming in mind :)

"The EVGA GTX 680 Classified will have a single SKU and according to first details we are looking at a beast card. Currently, listed details include 4GB of memory, 8+8+6-pin power desing, 14-phase VRM and OC BIOS mode."

[ source ]

Since I'm quoting directly I should note that word 'desing' obvious means design. These Classified cards are designed from the ground up with kingpin to ensure they remain the fastest beyond this generation. The 14-phase VRM is 3 less than the Classified Ultra. Expect to pay quite the premium beyond the £100 here and ensure you have a beefy PSU for stable overclocks (ideally 1Kw). A slightly factory-overclocked GPU such as the custom-cooled Phantom 680 are fine for 600W branded PSUs - talking generally here without insane CPU overclocks or fancy watercooling.
Prices are being increased due to demand, there is no alternative for 680s now so people WILL buy this. Unless people are willing to buy a 7970.

Oh I agree, they will sell regardless. My luck will be that people buy them, they overclock amazingly and then they are out of stock permanently when decide I want one after seeing the results.
Oh I agree, they will sell regardless. My luck will be that people buy them, they overclock amazingly and then they are out of stock permanently when decide I want one after seeing the results.
Let's hope for you then that they don't overclock amazingly;)
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