Gallery software list:

I'm in the process of tidying up the Photography Sticky, removing all the old FS links and whatnot. Would you be happy for me to copy your original post to the sticky?
Scuzi said:
I'm in the process of tidying up the Photography Sticky, removing all the old FS links and whatnot. Would you be happy for me to copy your original post to the sticky?

As long as it's easily edited to keep it up to date - not a problem.

*eg - add lightroom ;)*

Time for a brief update to this then. :D

Added a couple of things. Including the Wordpress and NextGen Gallery plugin which tbh rocks and is seriously simple to set up.

Must be easy - I use it - ;)

*Yes, I know I can't spell, the page design is cheesy and it's generally not well layed out at the moment - but it's being worked on slowly.*

Any other additions?

I made a thread about this a while back, but I'm going to pimp my own:


It's not a gallery as such, it's more of a converter for HTML galleries put out by Lightroom to give them a better UI.
Does anyone know if any particular freeware is best for tagging? I find the Google Picasa one a bit time-consuming.
Rather than start a new thread, i've looked through these softwares, but the only one that seems to offer any options of selling is Web Gallery Wizard Pro, and frankly its pants.
Does imagevue which looks the smartest, offer some sort of add to cart option style thinymajig, or is there an alternative?
Google picasa has a free web gallery feature. All you need is a google mail account and then you those login details to access images you post.

Download google picasa from here:

Install that, and once you have a google account, select an album on the picasa interface and click "web Album" button at the bottom.

Its only a trial at the moment, but those from motors will know that it works quite well indeed.

You get 250MB of space to start with, but i would imagin that when the code is approved and its testing phase ends, that amount will increase a lot.


You get 1GB of space. Been using this for a while, its superb.
Ive now switched to Pixelpost. Great piece of software that is very customisable. If you go on my site it will still show the monoslideshow version, but if you go to or wait until ive finished customising it and integrating a shopping cart etc you will see the new pixelpost version. :)
Good tip then MK? :P

mine uses pixelpost too,

apart from the blog, pixelpost runs everything on my site, it's very simple to add extra pages to it, I just could not work out how to get it to accept cutenews so the blog has it's own page.

oh and even my signature runs on pixelpost! :D
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