Game adverts - not gameplay footage

You only have to look at this forum to realise why - developer throws out what's basically a CGI movie, and you get a flood of OMG! This look so cool take my money now six months before you actually make the game!

It's usually followed by "That was so rubbish, I'm never pre-ordering again. Except for (Next Big Game), that's so going to rock" :rolleyes:
You only have to look at this forum to realise why - developer throws out what's basically a CGI movie, and you get a flood of OMG! This look so cool take my money now six months before you actually make the game!

It's usually followed by "That was so rubbish, I'm never pre-ordering again. Except for (Next Big Game), that's so going to rock" :rolleyes:

That's why I never preorder, it's an utterly stupid practice. I can understand If someone is a big fan of a given franchise and can get some nice bonuses this way but otherwise? What's the point?
I'd rather wait for reviews, especially that we live in times when we're deprived of something as simple as a demo version;p

My point about GTA 5 is that's the way it should be done. There was some post-processing, clever camera angles etc. but when you finally fired up the game it looked astoundingly detailed and very close to what we've been shown.
Don't mind tbh, you see plenty of game play on youtube etc, so you should know what game play looks like before buying the game.
What is the "steam refunding service" mentioned above. I have quite a few games on steam i have bought, played once then never again due to it being rubbish

It is a recently launched initiative that allows you to refund games under certain restrictions - I think it's something like purchased within last 2 weeks, only played for less than 2 hours.

Seems legit, just re-downloaded DOTA2 last night after not playing it (or even having it installed) for months, annoyingly am now waiting for the DOTA Reborn update/game to download, which is the exact same file-size as DOTA2 was?

On topic; totally agree about the video game adverts, now i wait for a game to be released (if i'm not 100% sure i'm going to want it) then just watch youtube gameplay videos, or a channel sometimes
Why don't companies release adverts for games that show "actual gameplay footage"

-May not look as good
-Hard to stage a 'hook' to capture exactly what you're looking to get across (i.e. for a marketing department it would be likely much easier to get something rendered than have to faff about with dozens of takes of actual gameplay)
-Lead time vs game development (many trailers comes out months if not years before the game is released)
-Means they can touch it up if the original footage isn't as desired
Advertising is for fools, unfortunately the world is full of gullible boors.

The world would be an infinitely more irritating, but more acceptable place if everyone was critical and a cynicist.
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