Gamecube price

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11 Apr 2006
So I've still got a gamecube which I haven't used for over a year, was keeping it for Zelda TP, but now its gonna be on the wii I no longer need it. (I know it has been a while but I totally forgot about it). Was wondering if anyone could give me a rough estimate of how much I would get for the console, a controller, a wavebird, a memory card and a copy of wario ware. I also have 2 cables to connect to the GBA.
ok well ill start by saying wrong forum..

But GC 35 quid (not sure)

controller 7.50

Wavebird 12

wario ware 7.50

Bundle 50

They are rough estimates in my opinion on the MM. Prob get more on ebay.
I sold my black Game Cube with 1 offical Black Pad boxed with 64mb card for £35 cost me £7.70 to send to darn thing tho lol
I'm afraid that price check threads are only allowed in the Price Check forum, which you won't have access to. I'd usually move this, but I'll leave it here so you can see the reasons why it's closed.
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