
27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
Okay, I've got ye ole Gamecube out of the cupboard and I have no games for it what so ever. Sold them all!

Tomorrow I plan on going into a certain shop that likes to sell everything second hand, and I'm going to purchase Resident Evil Zero. Then I plan on getting every resident evil game upto and including resident evil 4 (That includes Veronica)

Also going to pick up Mario Sunshine, as I love it. And I'm going to get myself Metal Gear Solid Twin snakes.

I also plan on getting Zelda Windwaker, I'm not a big fan of the game, But I'm mainly after the copy that comes with the Master quest disk!

Last but not least I'll be picking up Tales of Symphonia

I know I listed a lot of games already, but have I missed any good ones? You can get a grasp of the sorts of games I like I'm sure by the games I'm getting first and foremost.

Thanks :)
Get both the zelda games on it! (twilight princess looks amazing and hes left handed!!)

Urm another vote for mario kart double dash, you'll find though that there's always someone whos too good at it and then you'll try and beat them and become that guy...

Dont get mario sunshine, its basically anti jet set radio... (its not really that bad I just liked other mario games more)

Super Monkey Ball is a good laugh too!
Get both the zelda games on it! (twilight princess looks amazing and hes left handed!!)

Urm another vote for mario kart double dash, you'll find though that there's always someone whos too good at it and then you'll try and beat them and become that guy...

Dont get mario sunshine, its basically anti jet set radio... (its not really that bad I just liked other mario games more)

Super Monkey Ball is a good laugh too!

Ahhh Super Monekey Ball, bringing back so many frustrating and fun memeories :P
My GC collection, all of which I personally think are superb:

Luigi's Mansion
Mario Sunshine
Mario Kart DD
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2 : Echoes
Paper Mario : 1000 Year Door
Star Fox : Assault
Beyond Good & Evil
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Crazy Taxi
Zelda : Wind Waker
Zelda : Twilight Princess
Super Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball 2
Wave Race: Blue Storm
Eternal Darkness
Heh, I just bought Tales of Symphonia a few weeks back for the Wii because I got all nostalgic for it.

One that might not get mentioned much is Fire Emblem. It's fantastic.
Good luck getting hold of the twin snakes it's so expensive now days! The resident evil games should keep you occupied for a while I've got them all occassionally play resident evil 2.
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