Gamefreak501s training log & form check - Stronglifts 5x5

Thanks for your replies everyone :)

Those OHPs seriously took it out of me - I was worried I might not have the energy for the deadlifts afterwards.

As I only managed the 70kg for 4 full sets I think I'll keep the bench press to 70kg tomorrow evening.

In which case, Workout B will actually be 90kg/70kg/72.5kg

My body weight has gone up to 80.6kg now - I guess it was going to happen with my continued Stronglifts routine. I don't mind it so much so long as it's muscle and not fat I'm building haha I think I was 76-77kg when I started.

Plus I no longer seem to get doms anymore. Not sure if I should be worried or not!
Well I had to skip yesterdays workout and instead went this evening.

Totally aced my lifts today:

Workout B

BB Squats 5x5 @ 90kg
BB Benchpress 5x5 @ 70kg
BB BOR 5x5 @ 72.5kg.

The best part is, my benchpress got easier as the sets went on, so I might just be ready for 72.5kg next time. I started off with 3 minute rests then went to 90 second rests on those. My other sets were on 90s.

I seem to have leap frogged to 82.5kg weight-wise as well but that might have more to do with my belly full of food. I'll weigh myself properly tomorrow morning.
Awesome stuff - this is why Christmas is the best time to make gains, as the silly quantity of calories consumed during the period means all kinds of magic can happen. :)
Thanks for the comments GSVBagpuss & mrthingyx;

Had an okay session today - okay in that it was very, very tiring!

Workout A

BB Squat 5x5 @ 92.5kg
BB OHP 5x5 @ 50kg
Deadlift 1x5 @ 102.5kg
Was a bit stupid today.

Did some jogging and sprint exercises on the running track outside the gym. Managed a not so good time of 1:20:47 (3 seconds faster than my first attempt) and started on some sprinting exercises around the straights. I was doing okay, until I pushed myself more and pulled my left hamstring :(

Puts me out for any lower body exercise, so I'm not sure whether I should have a break completely, or just on the lower body work :(

When I've recuperated, I would really like to get my 400m dash to under a minute, combined with my Strong lifts (in order to start eating away at my belly fat that I've managed to accumulate)

For someone who is used to 8 mile and 12 mile runs, I'm a little disappointed with my time though :-/
I've given my hamstring a few weeks to recover and I think it's pretty much all better now.

I should probably deload on all exercises since I've not been to the gym at all for 2-3 weeks.

I'm thinking a deload of 15kg per exercise, including my squats.

Does this seem reasonable? Too much? Too little?

Really looking forwards to my first gym session after this hiatus tonight, but I'm going to incorporate Nordic curls into my stretching routine - before and after each workout just to be on the safe side. I've read that they can decrease hamstring injuries by as much as 60% and I need to be careful now.

Workout B

BB Squat 5x5 @ 77.5kg
BB Benchpress 5x5 @ 55kg
BB BOR 5x5 @ 57.5kg
Just popped in to say - your OHP for 5x5 is great in comparison with other lifts, it is the most humbling exercise for me!
Thanks very much!

It's a shame I'm on a deload due to not going to the gym for a few weeks but I should hopefully see my 50kg on OHP in the next few weeks again :)

I've read a 10-15% Strength loss over 2 weeks is average so my next workouts look like this now:

Workout B

BB Squats 5x5 @ 82.5kg
BB Benchpress 5x5 @ 62.5kg
BB BOR 5x5 @ 65kg

Workout A

BB Squats 5x5 @ 85kg
BB OHP 5x5 @ 45kg
BB Deadlift 1x5 @ 92.5kg
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Really pleased with today's workout. Typo on last message, here are my actual lifts:

Workout B

BB Squats 5x5 @ 82.5kg
BB OHP 5x5 @ 42.5kg
BB Deadlift 1x5 @ 95kg

OHP felt the easiest it ever has done strangely enough. My left hamstrings didn't complain either. Perhaps I could have got away with 85kg, 45kg and 100kg.

Maybe all the outdoor climbing and bouldering I did last week on my holidays helped with maintaining my upper body strength.

Plan for Workout A on Wednesday:

Workout A

BB Squats 5x5 @ 85kg
BB Benchpress 5x5 @ 62.5kg
BB BOR 5x5 @ 65kg
Had a good session today, weights are still going up despite my 2 week hiatus:

Workout A

BB Squats 5x5 @ 85kg
BB Benchpress 5x5 @ 62.5kg
BB BOR 5x5 @ 65kg

Next sessions weights look like 87.5kg, 45kg and 100kg.
Fridays workout:

Workout B

BB Squats 5x5 @ 87.5kg
BB OHP 5x5 @ 45kg
DL 1x5 @ 100kg

Todays workout is looking like:

Workout A
BB Squats 5x5 @ 90kg
BB Benchpress 5x5 @ 65kg
BB BOR 5x5 @ 67.5kg

Should be back to full strength in a the next 2 weeks :)

Getting more confident in my running as well - I'm managing to go a little faster, so hopefully in a few more weeks time I will be able to increase my sprint speeds and reduce my 400m lap time :)
Workout A

BB Squats 5x5 @ 90kg
BB Benchpress 5x5 @ 65kg
BB BOR 5x5 @ 67.5kg

Also did some stretches, including nordic curls for the first time. Unfortunately, my calves cramped up, but the next ones should go better so I finished up with some foam work.

I'm trying my utmost not to pull my hamstring again so decided to incorporate Nordic Curls as part of my post-workout stretch routine.

Wednesdays workout:

Workout B

BB Squats 5x5 @ 92.5kg
BB OHP 5x5 @ 47.5kg
Deadlifts 1x5 @ 102.5kg
Thinking of incorporating Pullups and tricep dips to my routine - I think if I do these 3 times a week in addition to my SL routine, (Keeping the Sunday for running only) I might be able to build my arms up a bit. However, I'm undecided.

Weight was sitting at 80.25kg when I last checked so a bit of a drop - but I'll check again tonight.
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Hey man nice idea adding them in to bring your arms up.

Consider adding them in over a few weeks, you'll reap more gains long term if you give yourself somewhere to go.

Week 1-3 - once per week (3-5 sets of 1-2 reps pre failure)
Week 4-6 - twice per week
Week 6-8 - thrice per week

Once you're hitting them 3 times per week it'll be beneficial to explore other avenues for overload such as more sets, reps, weight etc.

Just my 2c :)
Cheers for your reply reiyushin,

I think you're on the money, best to ease it in a little bit.

I ended up adding a few with today's workout:

Workout B

BB Squats 5x5 @ 92.5kg
BB OHP 5x5 @ 47.5kg
Deadlifts 1x5 @ 102.5kg

Chin ups 1x5 @ BW +5kg
Pull ups 1x5 @ BW+5kg
Chin ups 1x3 @ BW + 10kg
Pull ups 1x3 @ BW+10kg
Chin Ups 1x5 @ BW
Pull ups 1x3 @ BW

Body weight currently sitting at 81kg so a bit down.

Plan is to do Tricep dips on my next Workout A and then do Pull ups/Chin ups 1 day a week then 2 then 3 just as you suggested.

Thanks again
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Workout A

BB Squats 5x5 @ 95kg
BB Benchpress 5x5 @ 67.5kg
BB BOR 5x5 @ 70kg

Bodyweight Tricep Dips 1x5 +5kg; 1x5 +10kg; 1x5 +20kg; 1x5 +25kg

Nordic Curls x15

Bodyweight currently sits at 81.90kg

I was quite impressed with my dips today, I've never lifted that much in my whole life. The last set was difficult and my squats are now starting to feel difficult - so I may plateau at 97.5kg or 100kg. Perhaps I won't if I revise my diet, which has been a bit crap since Download Festival.

All in all though a good workout.

Workout B

BB Squats 5x5 @ 97.5kg
BB OHP 5x5 @ 50kg
BB Deadlift 1x5 @ 105kg

Did some chin-ups and pull-ups as well - 1x5 of each @ BW, +5 and +10kg that was tough!

Looking forwards to Monday though, should hopefully get to 100kg squats :D

I think I'm going to add a bit more cardio to my workout though. I was going to just do it on the Sundays, but I'm thinking a good 15 minute run after each workout should additionally help cut me over the coming weeks.

I think for my frame, adding another 5kg of muscle is an ideal goal, getting me to a bodyweight of 85kg. I couldn't say how much of me is made up of muscle though.

Currently sitting at 81.5kg so I think given 6-12 months of the right dieting, cutting cycles, I will get to the magic 85kg. However, I don't buy into the bulky look, I feel like being ripped is more aesthetically pleasing for me at least.
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Well I smashed it, did my 100kg squats today :D

Workout A

BB Squats 5x5 @ 100kg
BB Bench press 5x5 @ 70kg
BB BOR 5x5 @ 72.5kg

Body weight : 81.9kg

BW Tricep Dips : 2x5 +15kg; 1x5 +20kg; 1x5 +25kg; 1x5 +30kg

The problem was, I was very dehydrated as I rushed out the house without water. So it really tired me out on the Bench press - so much so that it took until my last 2 sets on the bench press before the sets felt easy!

BORs were nice and easy though.

I'm thinking of maybe dropping the weights and doing ATG squats as I've reached 100kg on my parallel squats. What are everyones thoughts on this?
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Workout B

BB Squats 5x5 @ 102.5kg
BB OHP 5x5 @ 52.5kg
BB Deadlifts 1x5 @ 107.5kg

15 mins CV

All in all a good end to a rather rubbish day. Still getting heavier each time :-)
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