Games for Kids

5 Mar 2006
Hi guys,

Can anyone recommend some good games to play with my daughter? She loves playing on the PC/Xbox with me but at the moment I've got a very limited selection of games she can play (GoW, Dyling Light etc not really suitable!)

At the moment I'm restricted to the likes of driving games and Zoo Tycoon (which admittedly she does love)

It doesn't have to be amazing graphically, as long as it's something with some fun gameplay. She's not quite 3 yet so she can't do much herself but she loves sitting and helping me play, learning about computers etc.

Cheers :D
Might be a bit young but lego games are great she can run around smashing things quite easily while you do the puzzles. Nice and colourful too.
Farming Simulator 2015, my 5 year old loves playing this, and my have some friends with younger kids (2, 3) who love watching.
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Have a look at the Putt-Putt games :)

I remember those! I'll do some digging and see what I can get! :D

Might be a bit young but lego games are great she can run around smashing things quite easily while you do the puzzles. Nice and colourful too.

I've been tempted by Lego Avengers for a while, this could be my excuse :D

Cities Skyline,

I've got Minecraft (usually just play it drunk with the Mrs) but I think she's a bit young to get in to it as it takes a while to get started. Might give it a go though, can't hurt to try it!
Call of duty? i'm sure every other 3 year old is playing it.

On a serious note, Roller coaster tycoon? New one is coming out soonish, but RCT3 is still quite fun.

Just fun to build a ride in sandbox mode with unlimited cash.
Farming Simulator 2015, my 5 year old loves playing this, and my have some friends with younger kids (2, 3) who love watching.

I can just picture me trying to play it and her sat singing Old McDonald :D

Call of duty? i'm sure every other 3 year old is playing it.

On a serious note, Roller coaster tycoon? New one is coming out soonish, but RCT3 is still quite fun.

Just fun to build a ride in sandbox mode with unlimited cash.

YES! We're going to Chessington in a couple of weeks so she'll love that afterwards!
Cities Skylines
Any lego game
Brothers a tale of 2 sons (you can play this together, it's great fun and a nice storyline)

They have loads of the Disney games on Steam at the moment, they usually go into the sales so keep an eye out for Christmas.

My 2 love Minecraft, I hatez it but they seem entertained. Also the Sims games are pretty cool, I use the unlimited money cheat so they can design and build their own house and buy all the cool stuff.
Cities Skylines
Any lego game
Brothers a tale of 2 sons (you can play this together, it's great fun and a nice storyline)

They have loads of the Disney games on Steam at the moment, they usually go into the sales so keep an eye out for Christmas.

My 2 love Minecraft, I hatez it but they seem entertained. Also the Sims games are pretty cool, I use the unlimited money cheat so they can design and build their own house and buy all the cool stuff.

I'll look in to Disney stuff and Sims - a lot of it's going to go on my YouTube channel so I've gotta check how they are with copyright etc
My 3 year old I regularly play together...

Various LEGO games (MARVEL, LEGO Movie, LEGO Batman)
Disney Infinity (gets expensive with all the figures)

All very kid friendly games though.
RTC, Minecraft and some sort of Lego game are definitely top of the list at the moment. It'll be good to get her on the PC - a lot of it up to now has been on the Xbox so I can use the DVR but I've got Shadowplay now :D

I think I'll give her my Pi and load some games for her too, it'll run Minecraft won't it?
Lego Marvel Superheroes is a good shout. Story is tongue-in-cheek fun and super-heroic enough, gameplay is good, and you eventually unlock a whole range of female heroines to play as. You also get an open-world to roam around in after the end-credits have rolled, with plenty more to see and do.
My kids have been playing games since 2. Started off on simple things, such as arcade games on mame. Then moved to Lego games and Plants vs Zombies type and Mario games on the Wii. Then at 5 one of mine got pretty good at online SF4 PS3, Now play minecraft mostly. They're now 9 & 10, and still play minecraft on the PC 80% of their allocated gaming time... They have ps3, 360, ps4, wii & wii U and PC's to choose from.

PC's see most of their time... and consoles take a back seat.. mind you, one of them love COD Blk Ops, TBH, I think they're old enough now to not worry too much about the swearing and shooting. They know the difference between a video game and the real world.
Thanks for all the tips, we had a crack on RCT3 tonight and she had a great time sitting on my knee for all the 'on-ride' bits :D

I'm going to try to blag a copy of Lego Marvel soon as well!
Hi guys,

Can anyone recommend some good games to play with my daughter? She loves playing on the PC/Xbox with me but at the moment I've got a very limited selection of games she can play (GoW, Dyling Light etc not really suitable!)

At the moment I'm restricted to the likes of driving games and Zoo Tycoon (which admittedly she does love)

It doesn't have to be amazing graphically, as long as it's something with some fun gameplay. She's not quite 3 yet so she can't do much herself but she loves sitting and helping me play, learning about computers etc.

Cheers :D

Very early starter :) I recommend a Wii as the MySims games are great fun, and there's loads of other kids games really cheap for the system too. Must be the most kid friendly console out there, that or the Wii U(which you can play Wii games on, but need a Wii controller).
You tried the free section on steam? Although some might be 'pay to win'. Or there's more of a choice here but most you have to pay for.
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