games like C&C?

10 Aug 2006
Is there any games out there that are like the more realistic c&c (Originals, red alert original, generals - None of this futuristic rubbish)??
nowadays realistic or "olden-times" realistic?
Nowadays World in Conflict is probably top dog. For older-based games, I can definitely recommend Anno 1404, very good game. Company of Heroes also goes down quite well. :)
Tesla coil is real as are attack dogs. Woof. Not sure about Tanya and Yuri, they probably exist but aren't quite so hard.

Anyways the best RTS games are usually scifi or fantasy so you are a bit screwed. CoH is a very good game but not as turtle like as RA or C&C. You have to control areas of the map. I prefer to build an uber base.

I have WiC but never played it, free with the GFX card. :D

Warcraft 3 or SupCom for me.

Waiting for Starcraft 2.
Thanks for the recommendations guys. I've just youtube'd the gameplay of all of the above. Sadly nothing quite fits the bill.

As for me saying realistic - I simply meant like C&C Generals - Tanks, infantry, jets, helicopters e.t.c , rather than guys in suits and walking machines e.t.c in C&C tiberium wars.

I love generals & generals zero hour but would quite like to play somthing similar. Also the first age of empires I used to love - sadly the carton 2nd version put me off.

So yea, anything where you can build a base and then an army as such.
You're missing out with Dawn of War by limiting yourself to realistic stuff, fantastic rts, and very much the traditional base-building type.
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