Well I was definitely going to include that but someone else mentioned it. If I can repeat stuff here then I would like to add KOTOR. Oh and wait for it, The Longest Journey, that was the best introduction I could've had to adventure genre.
counter strike
day of defeat {not source}
half life
half life2
forgotten hope[mod for bf1942]
desert combat[mod for bf1942]
call of duty 2
world of warcraft[really good at begining then becomes boring]
batlefield 2
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 8
Balders Gate 1/2 with expansions
Deus Ex
Planescape Torment
Alpha Centauri
Age of Empires 2
GTA Trilogy
Far Cry
To be honest there's not many games I would say are essential. The following I would highly recommend however:
-Deus Ex
-Far Cry
-A multiplayer FPS of your choice (down to personal preference really... not looking to start a flamewar so just something you can get involved in playing clanwars etc)
-Call of Duty
-Dawn of War Gold
-Max Payne
-Need for Speed: Porsche 2000
-Freespace 2
Fallout 2
Fallout Tactics
Entire Total War series
Early C&C games (Pre Generals).
Far Cry
Baldurs Gate 2
Theme Hospital
Roller Coaster Tycoon (1 & 2)
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