World of Tanks used to be another one, although not sure if it's had an engine upgrade recently
Nope new client is using all 6 cores on the 8600K. None goes over 55-60%.
Just curious but is there a list of any games out there that prefer single core performance/clocks over multiple cores ?
Exclusively single core? Old games from decades past, and some old MMOs, nothing that AMD cannot handle these days.
However HOI IV while it spreads on all threads and cores,
when run on higher than normal speed, has one main thread that when USA joins WWII on 1943 (if you haven't completed WW2 until then which means you lost the game if playing with Axis) hits 100% constantly.
That completely cripples quad core i7 on the PC upstairs (6700K @ 4.9ghz) , is worse at the i7 laptop (6700HQ @ 3.4Ghz), and makes my 8600K @ 5.1Ghz running run for it's money.
But as I wrote. Is circumstantial on single game, on higher than normal speed, if you are pretty bad Axis player and cannot completely WWII within the year you start it, especially as Germany having 300 divisions 40 width divisions running around with 7000-8000 airplanes on constant flight missions, while the Sino-Japanese war still going on.
Assassins Creed games have always been CPU dependant. Also Total War games.
Actually only Attila has issue and TWW1 to some extend, because they were set to run
on the last thread (not last core). And these are the two games I always forced them to not have access to the last thread of the CPU to gain more performance on my i7s.
Rome 2 and TWW2 run now on second to
last core, and operate much better spreading the processing across all threads.
All other previous TW games, shouldn't be an issue running on a AMD Ryzen CPU. They came out before 4Ghz CPUs either way