Games workshop specialist games returning?

I came here to post this rumour, beaten to it!

Would be amazing if true, especially if they bring back the original box sets.

Definitely a market for it, some of theservice games are the best Games Workshop have ever done.
I don't think even GW would spell the names of their own products wrong. Sounds like BS.

This flyer was supposedly made by one of the GW Aus managers and isn't actually official, according to word going around, but apparently multiple GW stores have confirmed this. Apparently it will be Forge World-related, but it is still interesting to hear about. If it is indeed true, it's another positive thing I've seen from the company recently (admittedly all of them have been rather small so far), so maybe the new CEO has a different mindset and the company will stop following the dark path laid out by Mr. Kirby.

Either way, I would love to see the return of things like Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Mordheim (not mentioned and I fear this might not be amongst them because of the death of WFB) and BFG (even though I'm just about to back Dropfleet Commander, haha). It would be very nice for GW to support these alternative lines again because, in my opinion, some of them were better than the core games.
It would sort of make sense for specialist games to be done by FW rather than GW prime, as the sales figures are lower and Forgeworld are much better suited to doing limited runs (possibly GW doing a basic box set but FW doing additional models?).

It would potentially fit in with the new 30k release, which is a GW one but most of the 30k specific stuff is FW.

Mind you anything that changes the way GW have been going over the last few years for the better would be a big improvement (I actually liked the fact the new Tau codex isn't required as if you've got the old one you can just buy the expansion rules).
As posted above by Tunney, I've taken the below directly from the App:

The response from you guys (and gals!) about The Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth boxed game, has been one of overwhelming excitement. So as the Ultramarines and Word Bearers Legions prepare to march to war, we’re delighted to announce that it’s just the first of many new boxed games and stand-alone sets coming over the next few years.

Our all-new Specialist Design Studio will even be tasked with bringing back and re-vamping some of our old favourites. Blood Bowl, Epic, Necromunda and Battlefleet Gothic are just some of the great games the team are already eyeing up.

It then goes on about Betrayal at Calth some more. I never thought this is an announcement I would ever see out of GW, it's still early days but the new CEO actually seems to have some sort of a clue.
Best thing they could ever do is bring back BFG, Blood Bowl, Neromunda and Warhammer Quest. Really good move this. It may bring back lots of old school fans.
Yep, it is great to hear that they are making positive moves, so let's see what they come up with. :)

It's also nice to see that Betrayal at Calth seems not to be a one-off, limited run game but rather will be supported in the long-term and see expansions. It looks like a lot of fun so I plan on buying it even if I have nobody to play with (gotta go kidnap some people I guess...). :)

The one thing I think isn't great for them is that they have left it so long, other companies have created similar games to those classics in that time. Mantic have Dreadball and Deadzone (I think?), there are a lot of small scale games like Malifaux and Guild Ball, the two Star Wars games are competition for BFG and Dropfleet Commander is currently on Kickstarter (and looks amazing). They would have benefited more from doing this earlier, but I still think it will be a good move for them in the long run.
I'm currently in a 32 team Blood Bowl league with a couple of people on a waiting list in case someone drops out. I also know people actively playing Necromunda, Battlefleet Gothic and Epic Armageddon There's clearly an appetite for these games.
Oh of course there is appetite for them, I wasn't implying otherwise, but with the range of those type of games being more diverse now it might prove less effective than if they had done this four or five years ago. :p
Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as disagreeing with your post. I totally agree! Other companies have filled the void. Our Blood Bowl league has been reliant on third party manufacturers for models, boards and counters.
I see this and all I can think of is Bloodbowl. Physical versions are hard to come by and are usually second-hand missing a few bits and bobs. I've never really had much of an interest in physical GW items (I've only ever owned 2 Goblin Squig Riders, gifted and painted by a friend), but BB would be enough to get me excited. It was my brother's birthday last month and I was looking aorund to see if I could get him the boardgame version of BB, since he's recently got into it. Alas, I couldn't find a thing. Bring on Bloodbowl!

It would potentially fit in with the new 30k release, which is a GW one but most of the 30k specific stuff is FW.

I know that Warhammer 40k is one of their most popular frnachises, but 30k? this is the first I've ever heard of it, what's it like compared to 40k? Or was that a typo ^.^?
I see this and all I can think of is Bloodbowl. Physical versions are hard to come by and are usually second-hand missing a few bits and bobs. I've never really had much of an interest in physical GW items (I've only ever owned 2 Goblin Squig Riders, gifted and painted by a friend), but BB would be enough to get me excited. It was my brother's birthday last month and I was looking aorund to see if I could get him the boardgame version of BB, since he's recently got into it. Alas, I couldn't find a thing. Bring on Bloodbowl!

I know that Warhammer 40k is one of their most popular frnachises, but 30k? this is the first I've ever heard of it, what's it like compared to 40k? Or was that a typo ^.^?

No it's active. Basically recreating battles from the Horus heresy iirc. Go on the forgeworld website. All the models are there
As Nodiggidy has said, 30k is set in the Horus Heresy Era of the Warhammer Universe (10,000 years before the current 40k setting).

Forgeworld primarily make all the models, produce the rule books and background to the setting. It has a relatively large following and even though the models, books etc are pricier than your normal 40k stuff, the majority of people who play consider it to be a better game than 40k and that the quality and detail of the models are worth the price tag, some of the models that FW make are very very nice.
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