Games you wish they would remake?

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Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War. when I say remake, I mean finish. RTS that you could go into 3rd person view and destroy huge armies. Great game, shame Midway went under whilst making it.

But BF2142 doe. Sooo good. just fix Titans moving :D
Hard Drivin (the old atari arcade game)
Fantastic Dizzy
Toca Touring Cars 2
Kingpin: Life of Crime
Jet Set Radio
Screamer 2

Console games but would love to see a pc port/remake of
Timesplitters 2
Dynasty Warriors Gundam
Wind Jammers
Dune 2
Battlefield + Road to Rome, Secret Weapons
BF2142 (but as we know we ARE getting a new version!!! ;))
B17 Flying Fortress
European Air War
Alien Breed games (remakes of the old top down shooters)
Paradroid 90
Uridium 2 (remember the music? )
Quake 2 + mission discs
Blood 2
MOH games + mission discs
COD 1 & 2 + misson discs

Oh... I could go on and on. :)
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Anyone mentioned Split Second yet? Was playing over a lan the other day. What a great, underrated game. Would love to see a follow up.

Of course, I dare say the Wing Comander games have already been mentioned. Really miss those old space-opera games.
Battlefield Secret Weapons God I used to play some winter map with jet packs and jet plane it was epic. I’m sure it had a flame thrower as well. You forget the class games over time.

All the awesomeness of a space game, none of the nonsence.

Easy to pick up and learn, trading is self explanatory and the combat was absolutely immense. Rather than being a poorly optimized sim that promises the world and never delivers like Elite. Not got high hopes for Starcitizen either despite it being made by the same developers.

That said the game i would ultimately love a remake of would be Starwars Galaxies.

Literally the best game ever made and no other games like it, which is a real shame since it had it all. Purpose, Crafting, combat, PVP bounty hunting. Jedi wasn't just given away it was a very long grind and something to aim towards.

This is what games need, Rather than just keep trying to get the best gear every patch or expansion players should be trying to progress their characters with wealth and power. The game even had politics where you could vote out your guildleader and claim the guild as your own, in turn taking over the city where the guildhall was placed.

God i miss that game so much i can't look at other MMORPG's the same.

you might have not heard but the creator who made Freelancer has been making a spiritual sequel to it for a couple of years now, it got crowdfunded and is in Beta i think.

Chris Roberts and Star Citizen.
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