Gaming and possible VR build around 2000

10 Dec 2017
Ok i am pretty new to this and have tried to put some things together for my build. I would like to play games and possibly get and OR for VR in the next month or so.

I have a keyboard, mouse and windows license but I do want a monitor added to this. I would like to keep it below £2000 if possible but could go a very small amount over if its a big difference. I wonder if some of you can go over what I have selected and let me know of different or better options

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £1,661.40 (includes shipping: £12.60)​
That Ryzen build looks interesting, I have to admit I haven't really looked at Ryzen as I don't know anything about them. How do they compare to the i5 and i7 CPU's
I have been doing some research on monitors and while that one linked seems to be a very nice monitor i would like a slightly larger one at least 27" i think. I have been looking at cheaper options as I will be doing other things apart from playing games and i'm not sure if i really need the 166hz. I don't really play that much in the way of fast paced things like cod or battlefield, maybe a little overwatch but just for fun.

Would i be able to get away with a 60hz cheaper option VR is probably where I will spend a fair bit of my gaming time. I found this monitor

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £221.09 (includes shipping: £11.10)​

if i got that monitor plus the build I linked in the first post that would be under the £2000 and seems like a pretty decent system
ok i'm not that great with the technical stuff (trying to get better) I read through the article you linked. You think I will need better cooling than the fan i linked?
Should I look into water cooling, never really considered it as I always thought putting water into a computer seemed like a crazy idea.

Been checking out the overclocking page and seems some people are using the dark rock 3 with an 8700
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And this is why i wanted to check it over, cant believe i forgot the RAM, ok will have to go back to the drawing board because the ram will add another £200 or so, so I am going to have to lower some stuff down
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