Gaming headphones for £60?

id stay away from gaming branded headphones for 60 pounds get true headphone peformance hd485 senhieser.

They were 100 pounds but now droped in price what hifi 5stars..

With Xfi sound card they are amazing they even come with a headphone holder that attaches to your desk.
The ATH-500 is also worth a look. Folks at head-fi would sometime suggest it for people looking for a gaming headphones on a budget in part because it has a wide soundstage.
I've never used it for gaming, nor do I own one, but I have auditioned it not long ago, and they are quality products.
Angus01 said:
Try looking at the Beyer DT770Pro/80 fits what you are looking for.

Got mine today ;)

yep definitely ;) was about to reccomend them too, they obliterate any PC headset, but do need a decent source and i doubt the audigy can power them very well.

Sleepless said:
I bought the audiofx force feedback headphones, work a charm, nice sound and good mic, rumbles good for fs, gimmicky lights but what the hey. Cant link them for obvious reasons.
I got a pair and hated them with a vengeance. Didn't like them at all. Voices in videos were rubbish and the vibration didn't impress me at all. Bought as an xmas present but in november, so can't use the 30-day return :(

Currently sitting in a box waiting to be sold. Got myself some PC150's and love them. Lighter, more comfortable and inpenetrable by anyone shouting from downstairs. I've been phoned to come to dinner :rolleyes:
Got my 770/80 's for £79.99.

Could only find 1 outlet selling the 80 version all the rest were the 250 ones.

Noticed a huge difference going from Audigy 2 to X-fi also the sound
get's better once they are burned in a bit.

If you can't find the shop doing the 80's leave a post with contact details
and i will send you the link.
Ah, it's okay. I was just curious. I can't afford to spend more on headphones.. I have an AKG-701 on my way) :D

Actually, to those interested in Beyer and are on a budget, now is a good time to grab them. They are getting updated, but the updated ones cost considerably more. My friend got the DT880 at a bargain price (I think ~130-140?). The new ones cost considerably more. I know this applies to the DT880 and DT990, but I am not sure if it applies to the DT770 too.
Angus01 said:
Got my 770/80 's for £79.99.

Could only find 1 outlet selling the 80 version all the rest were the 250 ones.

Noticed a huge difference going from Audigy 2 to X-fi also the sound
get's better once they are burned in a bit.

If you can't find the shop doing the 80's leave a post with contact details
and i will send you the link.

exactly the same as me, the 24 hour 7 day a week shop? ;)

Short answer is: no. In terms of volume anyway.

Longer answer is: Beyer are demanding cans (at least the DT880 I've tried), and they improve well as you upgrade your source. The X-Fi will not be the end and all, but it makes a huge difference compared to say, an onboard soundcard. The Beyer can benefit from sources better than an X-Fi, but it won't sound bad with one.
Thx for reply.

Anyhoo another train of thought.
What about these two:

Sennheiser HD 555 And Audio-Technica ATH-A500 or go with the beyers 770?
My take, go with the Beyer DT770, unless you need "open" headphones (then the HD-555 is the only one of the one you listed).

Edit: Oh yea, it is also bassier than the Senns, so this may be a plus or a minus (I'd say a plus for games/movies, and variable depending on the music you listen to).
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