Gaming mouse advice needed

24 Jul 2006
Smoggy Land
Hi there my trusty Logitech mx1000 is on it's last legs after nearly 3 years abuse..... I mean gaming so i'm looking for a replacement.

While cordless would be nice I have got kinda used to not being tied down and so have being looking at the logitech G7.

But the Razr DeathAdder and the Logitech G5 have caught my eye so could maybe consider chaining myself down again.

But I need help

Any and all advice wellcome
Both the mx 310 and mx 510 are excellent gaming mice, probably the 510 even more so, the G5 looks similar mouse probably the next model on. I would go for that!
The death adder looks brilliant and wired are generally better when it comes to gaming.

^ Nice conflicting opinions mishima :D I have the MX510 myself and it is brilliant, my next mouse would be the deathadder though.
Always fancied having a 510 especially when I was more into FPS it was the gaming mouse to have in the clan scene back when I played. Still quite expensive really just had a look! Let me know when your upgrading ;)
Hi thanks for the replies so far I have to admit I have had no problem with my cordless MX1000 while playing games.
tbh I think once I got used to it my scores in all the battlefield games and cs improved quite a bit hell I can still headshot a bunnyhopper from max range in BF2142 with sniper :P.

My main concern about getting the G7 is that it is well over a year old and I don't want to buy one and find the G8 is being released well that and the horid green and silver paint job it comes in.

I really like the look of the Deathadder though but a cord and blue lights(I have the red saitek keyboard it's going to clash) mean i'm not sure.

But my main problem with the MX1000 is that in certain situations(mostly sniping at long range) it is just not quite sensitive enough. so are any of the mice I or yourselves mentioned going to solve this?
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SeanDrake said:
My main concern about getting the G7 is that it is well over a year old and I don't want to buy one and find the G8 is being released well that and the horid green and silver paint job it comes in.

Get the carbon one then, looks awesome ;)
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