Gaming PC prebuilt help

16 Jun 2021
Hi I am looking to get my first actual gaming pc since 2009 and I was wondering if anyone could help me?

I can't build one myself so I am only looking at prebuilts at the moment, can someone recommend me a good one for High end gaming, 3d modeling/multi tasking and photoshop? my budget is £2500 and has to prebuilt
Welcome aboard.

Do you have any size limitations for case?
What about style of the case?
Do you already have gaming capable monitor, oir does it have to be included into budget/has separate budget?
Well I don't really mind about the size of the case or anything just the power is what matters.

and I am focusing on buying the pc first and then going to buy a monitor to compliment it, I have a spare pc monitor and keyboard etc. so I am going to use that while I wait to buy the real monitor sometime after the pc arrives.
What resoloution are you planning to game at ?

4k 60hz your going to need a 3080 which is expensive 1440p 144hz is the sweet spot for gaming .

What size monitor ?
Probably 1440p 144hz then :)

Think this would be slightly better option with 12 core 5900x ,change the ram to 32gb and any other option you prefer.

Get them to put a decent psu in like a corssir rm 750w. If any options are out of stock then get an alternative rather than wait.

If gaming is more important then the 6800 is a faster than the 3070 check out benchmarks and reviews.
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Do yo think this would be good since My aunt is giving me half the money for it and although I tried to get pre built parts they are pretty much deadset on not having me built my own so I am kinda stuck on prebuilt ;(

So I really need it for multitasking (Mainly Watching tv, looking at art reference and photoshop as I plan to have three screens) Which isn't too difficult but if I am modelling in blender which I intend to do eventually that might put a stress on it, I also want it to be able to handle high tier gaming so I kinda need it to be a big beast that will last awhile (more so until the arrenty runs out so I can start upgrading the parts inside)
Do yo think this would be good since My aunt is giving me half the money for it and although I tried to get pre built parts they are pretty much deadset on not having me built my own so I am kinda stuck on prebuilt ;(

So I really need it for multitasking (Mainly Watching tv, looking at art reference and photoshop as I plan to have three screens) Which isn't too difficult but if I am modelling in blender which I intend to do eventually that might put a stress on it, I also want it to be able to handle high tier gaming so I kinda need it to be a big beast that will last awhile (more so until the arrenty runs out so I can start upgrading the parts inside)

Pre built is the only realistic way of getting a decent gpu otherwise your going to have to wait and sign up for gpu alerts , and how long is that going to be ?

There are a lot of advantages on a pre built , plug in and play, 3 years warranty return to base .

Both pc recommended will do well in blender and 3d modelling my spec has 12 core cpu the other spec has a slightly better gpu some choices you have to make yourself for your needs .
I commented on it above with the one i specced pointing out the diffrences .
Pre built is the only realistic way of getting a decent gpu otherwise your going to have to wait and sign up for gpu alerts , and how long is that going to be ?

There are a lot of advantages on a pre built , plug in and play, 3 years warranty return to base .

Both pc recommended will do well in blender and 3d modelling my spec has 12 core cpu the other spec has a slightly better gpu some choices you have to make yourself for your needs .
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