Gaming PC upgrade

6 Mar 2025
Stafford, UK
Hi guys. Had to make a new account as i had to ditch my old email that the account was signed upto.

Right i last upgraded just before covid. Im running a

Ryzen 7 3700X
MSI B450 AM4 board
Nvidia 2070S
Corsair 650w
16GB Ram

Got a healthy budget of around £1500 but can go higher. I dont need a monitor. Ill be gaming at 1440P.

Im thinking the new AMD 9070XT with a Ryzen CPU. Iam a bit unsure which CPU, the 9800X3d is only 50quid more than the 7000 one so that seems a no brainer........unless im missing something. Not sure on PSU, HD, memory or mobo id need. This PC will be built to last. Will probably need a case as well if i try and sell my old system as one.

Thanks for reading...
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Thanks for the replies. Its going to have to be on hold till the 9070XT comes back to the price it should be.

Is a 750w enough? was going to go for 850w....
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