Gaming podcasts!

Gameburst; the only one I have settled on. Just about the only one that doesn't feature a load of swearing and meaningless off topic chatter.
Another really good sounding one that I will start with this weekend. Thanks for the link.

If you enjoy the latest podcast, be sure to checkout the interview with Ted Dabney from last month. This guy is the unknown partner of Nolan Bushnell who apparently gets zero credit for creating the 1st commercial arcade. This interview kind of re-writes video game history.

For those not in the know -
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I only even listen to the Giant Bombcast, It's bloody hilarious at times but there are quite a lot of in jokes that will mean nothing as a new listener
get as many back episodes of

The Gamespy Debriefings

As you can, it's hilarious.

I also listen to
Podcast Beyond
PCGamer (US) (UK one is crap)
Game Scoop
Australian Gamer (Sometimes Yahtzee is on it)

Those are the ones that I enjoy the most as they make me laugh usually, even though some of the humour is often immature and low brow. I listen to loads when walking the dog.
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The Electric Hydra is pretty good, as is D'toid/Brit'toid, a bit more console/humor based, but they usually talk about all the big releases with some nice indie and iPad/phone games thrown in as well.

GWJ is also an awesome one, as is CAG and RPS when they actually get around to doing one.
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