Gaming rig - £650-700 budget - possibly £800 max

Im sure at some point, when its nearly been thrown through the window, ill be back to ask for some advice/help on what im doing wrong and why it doesnt work haha
The motherboard you ordered is ddr3 and you got ddr4 ram.

Unfortunately this - sorry I didn't spot that (motherboard was different to the one I specced).

Be worth either giving Customer Service a call tomorrow, or posting in the Customer Service subforum . I'm sure they will be happy to help with exchanging the motherboard for a DDR4 one if you explain the situation.
Yes, sorry this was my fault. DDR3 1151 motherboards are rare and I missed it.

Definitely ask customer services for an exchange. Point them to this thread too. Maybe ask for the H110m-k that I posted in the first spec?

or the H110 plus but that has bad I/o selection imo.

Alternatively you could change the RAM. It would be easier but a less optimal decision in the long run.
Hi guys, changed the motherboard to a z170-e but I'm stuck at getting the computer to start. If I post some pics of the inside would you mind taking a look and seeing if you can spot where I've gone wrong please? On my phone and not sure how to post pics though haha
All sorted. But one question, ive got an ssd and hdd mounted in this case but how and where would i go about mounting a 3rd ssd that i have? Also, psu came with a broken sata cable, would i need to get a molex to sata now to work around this?
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