Gangsta 7 year old steals car.

Reminds me of when I was last looking for houses; the area was a little 'ghetto' to say the least. Three ~12 year old kids went rolling past (gunning the hell out out of first gear) in a brand new transit van.
Needless to say, we didnt stay in that area for too long.
If I got knocked off I might aswell of blamed it on it, I mean a man got stabbed yesterday waiting for GTA IV, must have been GTA IV eh? Fire alarm went off at college yesterday, must have been GTA IV inspired and someone chucked a few petrol bombs in eh?

The games called Grand theft auto not, cyclist Armageddon 2000.
If I got knocked off I might aswell of blamed it on it, I mean a man got stabbed yesterday waiting for GTA IV, must have been GTA IV eh? Fire alarm went off at college yesterday, must have been GTA IV inspired and someone chucked a few petrol bombs in eh?

What point are you trying to make? That the GTA series is blamed for everything, even nonsensical stuff? Thing is, it's a lot easier to blame the video game than it is to blame the parents for allowing their kids to be exposed to it. The media has been blamed for stuff that it isn't necessarily culpable for for quite some time now, you should probably just get used to it.
LOL oh man Im in the library, starting cracking up at the kid and now everyone is looking at me lol, guy sitting next to me looked over and was giggling so I gave him an earphone and now both of us can't stop ****ing ourselves, oh boy I had to leave the room!

Please fully star swear words - Zefan.
If I got knocked off I might aswell of blamed it on it, I mean a man got stabbed yesterday waiting for GTA IV, must have been GTA IV eh? Fire alarm went off at college yesterday, must have been GTA IV inspired and someone chucked a few petrol bombs in eh?

Illiterate boob.
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