Gas soldering iron - Am I doing it wrong?!

14 Jul 2005
I'm hoping some of the knowledgeable people of OcUK may be able to shed some light on a problem I'm having!

I bought this a couple of days ago:

It's a butane powered soldering iron (regular lighter fluid) and I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it seems to burn the fuel off in a minute or less!

This is my first gas soldering iron and I've followed the instructions exactly. I fill it up for around 10 seconds, making sure I don't overfill it. I light it but in order to get the flame to a level that is high enough to heat the tip I have to open the valve quite a way, this just results in all the fuel being used up in under a minute. Also, if I leave it at a lower level so as not to use the fuel so fast, then the flame will die down until it extinguishes (while there still being fuel in the container).

Am I doing it wrong, or is it well and truly fubar?
Part 5 in the pdf fits over the top of part 2. When I ignite it and put it on a high flame, part 5 starts glowing.

I just tried it again and this time I got it glowing with the flame, turned off the flame by closing the valve and then reopened the valve to allow gas to flow through. This allowed the glowing to continue, however it required constant adjustment to keep the gas flowing and still only lasted a minute or so.

I think I'm going to send it back! Are all butane soldering irons this bad or do they genuinely last a lot longer than this pos?
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