Gauntlet Being Remade

Wizard needs food badly..... OMG the sleepless nights and a entire weeks wages from my paper-rounds going in one Saturday afternoon. Then feeling dirty so so dirty.

It was never the same on the amiga, just didnt do it for me. Hell i would be tempted to buy a PS4 just for this if i could fine 4 people to play with who are into it :)


Just re-read the thread its on STEAM !!!!!!! Get in there, Elite, Asseto Corssa and now Gauntlet, there is still a reason to have a PC
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Hmmm suspicious??? :rolleyes:

I have played the original all 256 levels on the C64 with addon cassette of gauntlet and
I can tell you they need way more enemies to make it like the original! ;)
When I read the title I thought it would be like hammerwatch (which is quite similar to the original gauntlet 1 and 2)

But when I watched the video it seemed more like diablo3 :(
Will be interesting to see what it is like but the only thing similar to the original game is warrior, valkyrie, wizard and elf (and the name guantlet). Other than that is just looks like a diablo style game :confused: :( the video even shows a enemy that looks like skeleton king
I don't know - this was the defining arcade cabinet of my teens, and I made some real friends playing it, but its attraction was in the novelty, and the possibility of keeping going for hours by adding money.

So many co-op online games since are based on the same idea - L4D, the Diablos; I'm just not sure it will capture the same magic the arcade cabinet did.
OMG I loved this game when it came out.
and then when they featured it in the simpsons game

"homer is about to die!!"
Homer: "No! youre about to die!!"
Shooting the food just before someone who was counting down to death was about to get it was the original trolling. I've still got the bruises :D
I remember playing this on my Atari ST it was probably the first co-op game I'd ever played. It was enjoyable but after a while it become repetitive and I preferred playing games like Elite and Monkey Island anyway.
Shooting the food just before someone who was counting down to death was about to get it was the original trolling. I've still got the bruises :D

It was a running joke when my brother and I played in the arcade because we would be close to death and see the food then one of us would be too busy slaughtering to realise just as the other player gets to the food to save you

"blue wizard shot the food....."
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