(Gay thread alert) Dying hair white

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Has anyone dyed their hair white? When I say white I don't mean really light blonde, I mean pure white with no hue at all.

If so, what does it involve? From the research I have done so far it appears to be quite difficult to do and bad for your hair if not done properly. I'm assuming a professional salon is the best route to take - how much would one expect to pay?

So yeah, if you've been through this fill me in on the details.

Ta :)
Hmm my hair is fairly thin so if it involved any of my hair falling out I'd rather give it a miss. I'll go and have a talk with a stylist tmoorrow.

As for why....why not? I like to try different things and this would fit the bill :D
I've been to the hairdressers for a consultation and I've been told it shouldn't be too complicated with my hair. Bloody pricey though. They didn't have time to do it today and I'm off to Texas tomorrow so I'm booked in for 30th September.

I might post pics if the price is right :D

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