Good call.
got everything except 5 and 6 - no idea how to figure those out
The engineering one was just turn the first gear and work out what letter would end up on each wheel
The codebreaker - just go back one letter for each letter - c becomes b, 4 becomes 3 etc
When it says "Turn 20", does that mean 20 complete revolutions or 20 increments. 1 increment being moving the first cog from R to Q?The engineering one was just turn the first gear and work out what letter would end up on each wheel
The codebreaker - just go back one letter for each letter - c becomes b, 4 becomes 3 etc
engineering = picky, mathematics = opening, analysis I'm thinking either the or it's?
How did you get that for the mathematics one?
I got it by it being the only word that fitted the description but still can't figure out the 'maths' element of it.
noI've got the route but I can't see what 7-letter word is supposed to represent it.
route is A-E-E-D-S
A seed of some sort?
I don’t think that one is quite right.q2