GCSE results day

Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Sorry if there is already a thread. I couldn't see one. But I do need to go to Specsavers.

Good luck to everyone getting their results today. We went into school with our son to collect his, rather than just checking email, as he was meeting up with his mates afterwards to get to the Reading festival. It took me right back to 1985 when I got my O Level results.

Good luck everyone. You probably all have the results by now and I hope your kids, or you if your are younger, got what you needed.
Kid got what they needed to move onto "A" levels.

Told her, well done your GSCE results mean nothing now as your doing "A" levels, she kinda thought about for a split second and it home like a bomb that they do not really matter after all that effort :) lowest was a 6 i think, so ok i guess.
Kid got what they needed to move onto "A" levels.

Told her, well done your GSCE results mean nothing now as your doing "A" levels, she kinda thought about for a split second and it home like a bomb that they do not really matter after all that effort :) lowest was a 6 i think, so ok i guess.
Yes that's very true. My son got what he needed. But beyond that minimum grade requirement for their A Level's it doesn't mean much after today. The same happens with A Levels. All they need is the minimum to get onto their chosen university course. That's when the real work starts even if they don't realise it now.
My lad got his today, he's very happy.

No plans to go to college or Uni so he's going to do an apprenticeship and earn some money for a couple of years while he figures it all out.

Very proud of him, he hated school and was home schooled for the last 2 years after the COVID debacle.
No plans to go to college or Uni so he's going to do an apprenticeship and earn some money for a couple of years while he figures it all out.
This is a fantastic strategy! Earn cash rather than committing to expensive education. In a few years he might have a trade and an income and be sorted, or if not he has some life experience and an idea what he wants... Worst case scenario he's got work experience but will need to find a new job he likes more.
Kid got what they needed to move onto "A" levels.

Told her, well done your GSCE results mean nothing now as your doing "A" levels, she kinda thought about for a split second and it home like a bomb that they do not really matter after all that effort :) lowest was a 6 i think, so ok i guess.
The GCSE results do mean something. You start in yr7 and work your way upto yr11.
Also, achieving very good GCSE results will help to succeed at A-level, though this is not guaranteed.
They do mean something. Key is opening doors I give you that..

In case they get bad a levels due to personal issues, they can make a solid case showing academic achievement.

My case..

A’s at gcse, b/c/d at A level, still got to go to Uni where I wanted, as although I had made some wrong choices that affected my a levels, I still had good GCSEs

When I applied to an elite small consultancy (mostly oxbridge people), even with a 1st class degree they asked me about my A levels and I used my GCSEs to show I was smart across all subjects just not computer science which I studied at Uni.

Edge case I grant you… but you never know when it might help you get want you need.

Although having looked at recent gcse and a level papers, although I’d struggle now…they do look a damn sight easier than I remember.
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I got a ‘F’ in GCSE French. That was a fair few years ago now mind. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Carry on…

I got a D in French, it was my lowest grade... I didn't give a **** about it, the audio in the exam was near unintelligible - muffled and crackling like an old record, and I just wrote flippant remarks, which for some reason as a kid I found hilarious, in the answers.

No idea how I got a D out of it.
My expected grade across all sciences was G or F.
I got B's.

This is back in the days of GCSE...

Some teachers are utter teats and shouldn't be in the job.
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Some teachers are utter teats and shouldn't be in the job.

Mine were fairly good until I got to college - that was eye opening - was a classic case of those who'd failed in their chosen profession turning to teaching and the 1-2 good ones didn't stick around long. Then some oddities like the electronics lecturer who was an absolute master of electronics but utterly incapable of teaching.
My daughter, out of 9 GCSE's got:

4 x A*
4 x A
1 x B

Extremely proud of her. Yes GCSE's do mean a lot. Its the result of several years of hard study.

Congrats to all those that got those well earned results that they were aiming for.
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