GD Favour to Ask...

I wanted to come back not just to thank you all hugely but to give you a little update on my efforts. My main plan through this was to gain some marketing attention. The dude who's post it was is a fairly big investor, with a large network on Linkedin. What better place to try and get some visibility? I am running this alone with no money, so gorilla tactics is the way!

Over half a million followers? Nice. I would like some of those to see my comment :)

You guys did PERFECTLY!!! So yesterday, I swooped back in and thanked "everyone" on the comment for the likes. Boost the visibility again and get it back to the top.

Then this happened...


Ha! The perfectly executed plan seems to have caught their attention!!

I didn't actually know what LAUNCH was, so I checked...


I don't know if anything will come of it, but at the same time the impact was there! I wanted to see where it led and then post but that would just be harsh and I wanted to really come back and thank every one of you for your like. Sounds silly but it really did help. I would happily send you each a chomp, or I can donate to a charity of your choice, or one that you all think is a worthy cause! I really don't mind, but just wanted to come back and tell you how much I appreciate your time.
Surely we all need free cheese instead of chomps.... for research purposes.

I actually could've been helpful last weekend. We drove past a local farmhouse cheesemaker on the way home from a dog walk. Sadly it was shut and we had cheese in mind so went to Booths who have a great cheese deli section so we bought around 5 cheeses. I I probably should've apped them.

Out of interest what's the process with that? I assume i'd want to select a maker/name of cheese ratehr than just "Brie"

I'll try and dig out the packaging!
I actually could've been helpful last weekend. We drove past a local farmhouse cheesemaker on the way home from a dog walk. Sadly it was shut and we had cheese in mind so went to Booths who have a great cheese deli section so we bought around 5 cheeses. I I probably should've apped them.
haha I love this. Once I've got the next release of the app out, which will make tracking new cheeses easier (dropdown to select the right one from the list etc.) I would love to make it so there was a bit of gamification around the adding pics of cheeses. Badges for top trackers, new cheese adding etc. Vivino did some of this, but ultimately it died out a bit I think. I think it's a good thing to encourage new activity and use though.

Out of interest what's the process with that? I assume i'd want to select a maker/name of cheese ratehr than just "Brie"
It's an interesting one. For the most part, brie is brie... you can have different makers and don't get me started on English vs. French brie argument, but where I am adding the makes is if they're completely different from the standard. Cheddar is an interesting one. You have generic cheddar, but then you have LOADS of sub categories of this too. Recently we added one called Kick ass cheddar, as it has many different types and can be a sales opportunity for the producer, so this is cheddar:


And then we list the others also under more like this:

And the individual ones come up like:

I tend to make the call when I see the image and cheese name in the approval list though. If I think it should be it's own cheese, I'll add it as such. I still approve every single image that's added on the back end, otherwise machine learning vs. people doesn't go well :P
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