GDPR madness

6 May 2009
I am in the process of purchasing a house and due to new GDPR laws, I have to show 3 months accounts history for the person I am receiving a gift from.

To me (and person gifting money) this seems very invasive and the complete opposite of data protection laws. 3 months of bank statement will provide a LOT of data about what a person does and how they spend their money - How do I know the company / companies this data goes to is protected?
I am a providing the bank statements given to me by family, does this then mean I should have to sign consent for for holding this data?
I know my familys wages and in fact also the wages of some friends, should i have to sign consent data protection forms as i know this?
My girlfriend knows things about me, should she have to sign data protection forms as well? The world’s gone mad

Years ago you could walk into a bank with a bag of cash and buy a house, no questions asked. Now they want your manhood size before you fart.
All this and Russians and buying up property in London without issue. No doubt there are many many loopholes when buying a 10 million pound house, but this are made difficult for the average joe buying one for 200-300k
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