GDPR phishing scam

30 Jul 2006
Ever since the EU's General Data Protection Regulations came in I receive a couple of scam emails every day along the following lines:
Subject: Hello
Text: Unsubscribe Now - To stop receiving these emails from us just click here and let us know. Thank you.
There is no indication as to what useless service I should unsubscribe from and as it happens I just delete them without opening but I do wonder how many people get taken in?
Like any scam, if 1 million people receive the email, 1000-2000 out of that number will click it (elderly, non-tech-savvy, etc), a few of them will go all the way and end up losing money somehow.
I thought the thread was going to say that the scam was that the web-sites now requesting (positive button press) cookie authorisation under gdpr, were phishing,
that would have tricked me and would be a brilliant scam - no ? has that beeen done ?
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