God damn it Luke!Quote incoming…
We been robbed of the true final
Like a footballer going down like theyve taken a sniper shot to the faceDear me this commentary duo of Rawling and Mason is dreadful. Wade going on like his hand has been cut off - get a grip man!
Wow Wade beat Hump?? He did say he still has it!
Zelensky will be on the blower soonEarly bedtime calling.
Wade limping on stage and then stabbed himself with a dart!
It's a Wade comeback on the cards!
I guarantee you Humpo wants Littler to beat Wade though.Humpo must be licking himself losing to Wade.
U ok broU w0t m8
Sharts-n-Dartsdid anyone else get scared for Littler when Wade bent down to pick up his dart he dropped? he was right in the firing line of old man Wade's fart zone
Reminds me of Humpo in the Premier leak 2 weeks ago against Littler.Wade has a poorly finger