General Darts Thread

Now Littler has got to the final I hope he does himself justice. That semi final performance was incredible, he surely cannot play near that level again. That was the the true final tonight.

I think MVG takes it, but i hope its Littler.
Called it. Littler played his final in the Semi. His form was bad in the euro tour, and he replicated that in the final. MVG was there for the taking, but Littler was too out of form.
Worst game out of the entire Prem so far.
Yeah absolute stinker of a final.
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MVG spitting fire

He is a legendary player of course but he is clearly not the nicest guy in the Sport. Saying that Littler had to win 150 competitions to catch up with him and sarcastically saying good luck to him is very sour grapes talk....
MVG has always been a bit of a tool even before Littler. Quite often been arrogant in victory and salty in defeat.

Worse he followed Taylor who was an even bigger arrogant tool! So they've had not very nice people at the top of the sport for about 30 years!

Which is kinda why it's refreshing having a gent like Luke Humphries at the top now, someone who actually smiles and gives you a proper handshake in victory or defeat.
MVG has always been a bit of a tool even before Littler. Quite often been arrogant in victory and salty in defeat.

Worse he followed Taylor who was an even bigger arrogant tool! So they've had not very nice people at the top of the sport for about 30 years!

Which is kinda why it's refreshing having a gent like Luke Humphries at the top now, someone who actually smiles and gives you a proper handshake in victory or defeat.
There's an interesting broader point, why do we expect top performing people to be nice? Especially when it comes to sports.

Look at football, it's full of scumbags!

The best snooker player ever is a bit of a ****.
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Ronnie is Ronnie though and I’m sure most like him? I don’t think he’s a knobber or anything, just wired that bit different which contributes to him being a genius around the snooker table. Can’t have one without the other in most cases.

MvG is just a bitter. There’s no need for it unless he’s trying to spark this big rivalry the help his profile as well. There has to be some form of jealously, I didn’t get this type of profile when I broke through. LL is away to earn more money than all of them and it wouldn’t surprise me if in the next year or so with sponsorship deals his net worth is higher than anyone else on the tour!!

Being a sound guy with a bit of arrogance that everyone likes does absolutely wonders for a player and companies want a part of that. Federer is always up there on those Forbes list and he played tennis! Not the glitz and glamour of golf, football, nfl etc
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