General gardening thread

I love gardening but it all shuts down for winter and we get outdoors again in the spring.
I work as a gardener and work 3 days a week for one couple all year round, they have two houses, well ones a hall and the other is just as big. Oh and they are next door to each other so just move between the two as I like. Really need 4 days to be honest to keep on top of everything
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I'm jealous of people cutting their grass, mine is currently a complete swamp and basically unusable for the kids. This is going to be the 3rd summer in this new build, time to effectively start from scratch with the grass, first job is figuring out how to get some sort of drainage going and then start from what is effectively a dead start.
New builds are dreadful lawn wise. Just grass dumped on top of rock hard stuff you'd lay your patio on.

I think there was a thread on here about some chaps patio and garden flooding after he had his patio done. You might get some ideas from that if you can find it
Amazing what a difference slow release fertiliser has made on our photinia hedge - in a new house (2 years here), and all the properties have the same hedging. Ours must be twice the size of the neighbours just by simply dumping granules on it once a year!
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