
26 Dec 2003
Now, what with having lots of time 'til school starts, I'm going to throw myself in at the deep end and go with a Gentoo system.

I'm feeling brave, so I plan on going right from step 1 and compiling everything myself. Do you think this is too much? I plan on following the Gentoo Handbook to the letter, but does it still require uber-advanced knowledge?

Secondly, how long will the install and compilation take? I don't particularly mind it being long, but I'd like a rough idea (if that's even possible). I'm on a Barton 2500+ with a gig of RAM :)

I've chosen the "universal" boot CD, and am also burning the packages disc, but I'll also have a network connection during the install so I should be ok with that.

So, what do you think? Have I overlooked some drastically important step? I'll probably end up posting in this thread if I have problems during the installation, as I can use my sister's laptop :)
Yeah, I've been lurking in the Gentoo forums for the last few days soaking up the knowledge. There's some really intelligent people in there :)

Another thing; what kernel should I use? The default 2.4 "gentoo", or the 2.6 one?
As I said I don't mind putting the time in for the benefits of learning a lot more about Linux. If I don't get my hand held as much, I'll be forced to learn how things work, no matter how daunting they seem :p
Originally posted by arty
robmiller, have you considered keeping a sort of journal of your Gentoo install? I've seen it done by a few other people installing distros and it's often quite interesting, particularly for n00bs like me and others wanting to install the same one. You could post up a sort of log of the install and what you did, what problems you came across etc. in a thread in here :)

Just a thought - Gentoo does seem to be getting quite popular. If you only have the one machine then it might obviously be rather tricky trying to install it and typing up a log at the same time, though ;)


Didn't see this post until just now :)

I'll happily keep a little log of what I do, but it'll probably be incredibly similar to the Gentoo handbook :p
Originally posted by Deadly Ferret
I can't remember whether it was or, but I read earlier today that the swap partition should be equal to twice the physical memory. :)

Yeah, but I doubt it'll ever use more than 1,280mb of RAM :eek:
Originally posted by Mpemba Effect
Well theres two / 's ;) one / of the CD and /mnt/gentoo/ which will be the / of your gentoo distro. Once created the partitions and format them you need to mount them into /mnt/gentoo.

The stage tarball should be put into /mnt/gentoo and untared in there.

Nooooow you tell me :p

Righto, doing that.
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