get a free contract!

Hmmm, seems the only way to join is by invite. And the only DEFINITE way to get an invite is to text '64F94' or whatever. Could be a possible scam. Or I could just be too sceptical.

well my mate has it and it works.

I havn't done it yet cuz ive got to find my national insurance number.
I'm not too sure how it mucked it up because he wasnt too sure how that happened. He's pretty sure it was the sim cards fault tho as he said it was fully charged and set his phone alarm to wake him up to go uni,next morning he overslept as his phone was completly dead. I remember him also telling me his phone tells him he's got two new text but when he went to inbox there wasn't any new texts.

are u sure it wasnt his phones fault?

It's fine, got one a while ago as a spare SIM. Hardly any messages, maybe 1 a day. Anyway, it's free..

cool, so you've not had any of the problems described above?
thanks for the info alllec.

do you mean on the main screen? cuz it just says orange on that?

edit: on the network info bit it says Orange UK
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yeah, theres a shop down the road that does it for a fiver so i'll go there probly.

im still waiting for my sim to arrive though, it **** have come by now.
got mine today, and i got my phone unlocked, but i seem to get the settings sent to me, and i only have 15 texts for some reason.
i cnt seem to get the settings sent to me, anyone able to help me out?

edit: dm now, i cnt get the texts to work, only calls seem to work
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