Get Carter.

Man of Honour
1 Aug 2004
I have bought this at HMV for £5.

Are there any more Get carter fans out there ? Here, I mean the 1971 classic starring Michael Caine and not the remake with Sylvester Stallone.

The original is so dark in it's portrayal of gangland Newcastle and I just bloody love it.
The remake, pah it could never compete with - "You're a big man, but you're in bad shape. With me it's a full time job. Now behave yourself".

Great film and I think I bought it for the same sort of price a couple of years ago, one of the things I like most about it is that it isn't a happy ending.
strange watching it now...especially as all those coal stained beaches are nice and clean now
I have this recorded on my PVR (I will get around to burning it to DVD soon, honest) and can only be considered to be one of the best movies ever made.

'You're a big man, but you're out of shape.
With me, it's a full-time job. Now behave yourself.'

Classic line. :D
The "out of"/" in bad" shape quote is also probably one of the most misquoted lines in movie history as this thread has just proven :) . TBH I can never remember which it is myself despite having the seen the film umpteen times, each time reminding myself to remember the line when it gets to that bit in the film, for ocasions such as this. I used to use that quote as a bind just before I whacked an ogre lord in Ultima Online, for those who know what I mean :)
Jack Carter said:
You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Peeholes in the snow.

Edited for rudeys.

I LOVE this film, I started to watch the SS remake the other day (on Film4) but turned it off and went to bed. The only good thing about it was they used the same music in the titles.
Bubo said:
The "out of"/" in bad" shape quote is also probably one of the most misquoted lines in movie history as this thread has just proven :)

I just took it from IMDB although now I've just got the DVD out to check and the line definitely is "You're a big man, but you're in bad shape. For me it's a full time job. Now behave yourself". Chapter 12 on my DVD but I don't know if it is the same for all copies. I had to check otherwise it would have bothered me :)
fatiain said:
Edited for rudeys.

I LOVE this film, I started to watch the SS remake the other day (on Film4) but turned it off and went to bed. The only good thing about it was they used the same music in the titles.

Roy Budd - Get Carter - Rebirth of the Budd

Absolute nightmare to find i needed it when i was trying to learn the bass line took many an hour searching for it

Back to the film absolute classic and pee's all over Alfie, really dark and deals with issues modern films would be afraid to touch

Kudos to VS for finding it for a lady Godiva :) Get me one ;)
I watched it on TV a year or so ago with my Mum. I'd seen Caine in the Italian Job and loved him in that, "You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors of!":D

I loved the Newcastle angle of the film, never seen Newcastle on film before so it made a change from say London.
Newcastle has changed beyond recognition since then.

The pits have closed and the old decaying buildings on the quayside have been replaced with bars, restaurants and hotels.

Anyone with local knowledge can pick holes with the final scene where Carter chases Eric ....... ;)
Without a doubt everything modern movies struggle to be. The plot has a bad ending the subject matter is dark and it is played straight. I mourn for the days when Britain had a domestic film industry.
I also have the original and actually bought the remake DVD before watching it, needless to say, I'd sold it within two days.
Big Kev said:
I also have the original and actually bought the remake DVD before watching it, needless to say, I'd sold it within two days.
Good lad. I've seen the originals of both the Italian Job and Get Carter. Both Caine films are brilliant. And as a rule, film remakes are crap, simply a money spinner for some Hollywood film studio. I've never watched the remakes of either film and I never will. If there is a bad film, then by all means have another go but don't dare to make money from a shoddy remake.:mad:

Did you make a profit on the Get Carter remake DVD? ;)
Me in my local specsavers.

pretty lady = So which ones would you like Sir.
Me = Like the ones out of Get Carter :D
pretty lady = You what ?
Me = :p

I am old fashioned, what can i say.

Yes is the answer by the way.
Von Smallhausen said:
I have bought this at HMV for £5.

Are there any more Get carter fans out there ? Here, I mean the 1971 classic starring Michael Caine and not the remake with Sylvester Stallone.

The original is so dark in it's portrayal of gangland Newcastle and I just bloody love it.

Utterly fantastic, I love that movie. The music really makes that film IMO.
Von Smallhausen said:
Can anyone pick the fault with the final scene when Carter chases Eric ?

Been a while since ive watched it, only thing i can think of is the appearance of a whisky bottle after lots of running for five minutes with nary a sign of it before?
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