Seriously though Gibbo, the Far Cry 3 deal with the 7800's; is that gonna be this week?

Cancelled my order with you guys for a 7850 today as already have sleeping dogs. was gonna take it on the chin but saw this and :eek:, so cancelled.

I am gonna be card less at the end of the week so will need a card, so when is the deal gonna be on for the 7800's so I know if and when I should jump.

Cheers in advance.
hey Gibbo
I just ordered a new system with a 9750 as part of it yesterday (sunday 21'st), will I receive this bundle instead of the just Sleeping dogs?


If you have not yet cancelled your order contact them in the customer service section of the forum.

Also Gibbo any sort of idea when the far cry 3 with 7770 offer comes into play?
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Ouch! Great deal - shame I ordered my Sapphire HD7950 Flex on Friday instead of today. Would only have got the card a day later, along with the games.
Seriously is it just me that thinks this is very confusion in my very tired haze.

AMD Ultimate Never Settle Bundle - FARCRY3, Hitman Absolution, Sleeping Dogs & MOH Warfighter PC Games FREE with 79xx series Graphics Cards - Voucher @ £99.95 inc VAT
So that would technically be £15-20 off maybe. Less if you would only have ever bought 1 of the games. The other 2 are wasted. Even though im interested in farcry 3, chances are I prob wouldn't have bought it anyway. Having said that the 7800 series with ths promo at the current this week prices would prob have been irresistable.

Its sneaky marketing, im not sying its not extra value, it definitely is but of variable worth and not equivalent to price cuts at all. It's still ~240 leaving the bank.
Seriously is it just me that thinks this is very confusion in my very tired haze.

AMD Ultimate Never Settle Bundle - FARCRY3, Hitman Absolution, Sleeping Dogs & MOH Warfighter PC Games FREE with 79xx series Graphics Cards - Voucher @ £99.95 inc VAT

You don't order the Voucher.

It comes FREE with the qualifying purchase!
:( ordered my 7950 on 18th - 4 days too early. bfinally got to play sleeping dogs last night and it really impressed. fc3 and hitman would have sweetened the deal though ;)

cant really deny AMD the sales with the current marketing strategy. half tempted to crossfire lol
Just a thought, it says 'qualifying' 79xx series cards, and then says all in the description.

Are the OcUK tech labs WC'd 79xx series excluded from the offer? No info in the descriptions.
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