Get Out Of My Yard

Man of Honour
15 Nov 2005
Basingstoke, UK
.. has anyone heard it? It is the latest (albeit last year) release by Paul Gilbert and it is fantastic. If you like some serious guitar playing and decent compisition, it hasn't been off my playlist since I got it.


I really wish the G3 tour with PG in it was coming to the UK :(
Rusty Old Boat is my favourite track :D I'm not particularly mad about the album though, I think his playing style is getting a bit dated now to be honest.
alexthecheese said:
I only like the title track to be honest, and that's cos it sounds crazy. The rest is a bit 'meh'. I'm more a Satch man myself.
I can only say.. :eek:
Andelusion said:
Rusty Old Boat is my favourite track :D I'm not particularly mad about the album though, I think his playing style is getting a bit dated now to be honest.
Could you not say the same about Satch, and to a lesser extent Vai now though?
alexthecheese said:
I only like the title track to be honest, and that's cos it sounds crazy. The rest is a bit 'meh'. I'm more a Satch man myself.

I know it's all personal opinion, but I find Satch's music, in general, soul-destroyingly mind-numbingly boring. :p

Whereas Paul Gilbert's stuff just screams 'FUN!' out of the can almost hear the smile that had to be on his face when he was recording some of those tracks.
riddlermarc said:
I can only say.. :eek:
Could you not say the same about Satch, and to a lesser extent Vai now though?

Well I think Vai is quite overrated, but then again I haven't heard a great deal of his stuff.

The same can be said of all really, if you ask me - more so when it comes to purely instrumental music. I do think Satch has the edge over all of them, but that's just purely down to taste of course... and he... er... tastes good. :confused:
I have recently become a huge Gilbert fan, but I'm really not fussed with his instrumental album 'Get Out Of My Yard'. There are good moments, mainly the opening track, but the rest are pretty generic. Rusty Old Boat and the Echo song are the other highlights.

However, his pop-rock songwriting is just great. It has totally made me appreciate that music can be fun and lighthearted, and not about technical achievement, which is fairly ironic since thats the reason I was turned my attention to him in the first place.

My personal favorites are:

Individually Twisted (You can youtube this one to listen, but I warn you the music video is painful!)
Space Ship One
Boku No Atama ( )
Alligator Farm
We all dream of love (No guitar!)
Every Hot Girl is a Rockstar

Each of which put a smile on my face, but there are plenty of other similar tunes. As such, he is a 'virtuoso' I can have on in my car and for my friends to enjoy it and not turn their nose up (Or just laugh at, in particular the embarrassing cheesefest that is Joe Satriani), Paul is by far away my favorite 'Technical guitarist'.

Interesting, Racer-X leaves me dead cold (Except one instrumental... hmm. I wonder what that could be :o )

riddlermarc said:
I really wish the G3 tour with PG in it was coming to the UK :(
You do realise Paul is just about to tour England, right? I had to ebay my ticket *sniff*
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riddlermarc said:
Could you not say the same about Satch, and to a lesser extent Vai now though?

Definately :) Maybe not Vai as I haven't heard anything new from him in a while, and he's currently working on releasing an album full of his orchestra and guitar duet stuff, which is definately more innovative than most of Gilbert's offerings.

Don't get me wrong, I just think I'm personally getting interested in more diverse styles now, the likes of Guthrie Govan and Ron Thal seem to be setting the bar very high.

Gilbert does what he does very well, he writes some awesome instrumental tracks and we all know and love his pop/guitar stuff, I just think he's not really evolving as a player, which is fair enough as he must be 40 now? So he's definately found his niche.


tTz said:
Whereas Paul Gilbert's stuff just screams 'FUN!' out of the can almost hear the smile that had to be on his face when he was recording some of those tracks.

I completely agree with that and it's pretty much summed up what I was saying. If Gilbert wanted to; he could write really complex and diverse music full of different techniques other than your usual linear alt. picked runs, but it's not what he's into. He gets a kick out of just playing guitar the way he wants to, to be honest he's such a legend and inspiration to many that he doesn't even have to try and push himself if he doesn't want to anymore.

For the record, Bliss from Burning Organ is Gilbert's best solo track :cool: That big 3 octave Bminor arpeggio in the solo is just :eek:
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Andelusion said:
For the record, Bliss from Burning Organ is Gilbert's best solo track :cool: That big 3 octave Bminor arpeggio in the solo is just :eek:
Not 100% sure, but at least live he cheats and pretends he's playing it with his mouth whilst using an 'arpeggiator' to sounds the arpeggio. Hence the impossible mouth sweeping actually being impossible. Hope I havn't shattered any illusions :p
Nitefly said:
Not 100% sure, but at least live he cheats and pretends he's playing it with his mouth whilst using an 'arpeggiator' to sounds the arpeggio. Hence the impossible mouth sweeping actually being impossible. Hope I havn't shattered any illusions :p

Don't be daft! Next you'll be telling me Santa Claus doesn't exist... :p
Andelusion said:
Don't get me wrong, I just think I'm personally getting interested in more diverse styles now, the likes of Guthrie Govan and Ron Thal seem to be setting the bar very high.

I haven't actually heard of Ron Thal, but I'd level my same criticisms of Satriani at Govan too. I've not really heard anything spectacular by him...nothing that's made me jump around the room and shout 'Amazing!' at the uncaring walls. I can appreciate he's a good technical player, but his music just leaves me cold.
tTz said:
I haven't actually heard of Ron Thal, but I'd level my same criticisms of Satriani at Govan too. I've not really heard anything spectacular by him...nothing that's made me jump around the room and shout 'Amazing!' at the uncaring walls. I can appreciate he's a good technical player, but his music just leaves me cold.

Tis completely different tastes :) I'd bet after a few years of listening to Gilbert and Dream Theater you might appreciate Govan more. I reall hope I'm not coming across as patronising here as I really don't mean to be, but personally I've spent years listening to Satch/DT/Vai and they were a huge inspiration to me in the beginning, and I'll always regard (especially Satch+Vai) as the reasons I got into guitar, but after a while I think you might tire of them and appreciate Govan's music a bit more. But then again you may just not like it in general :D Although you've got to really hear everything in done to say you don't like him, as all of his projects are so different. Maybe I'm just a fanboy :D Probably. But it's impossible not to be! Anyway.

Ron Thal is known as Bumblefoot, I don't like his music either, but from what he does with the guitar, and his general musical ability; he's phenomenal.

Nitefly said:
Not 100% sure, but at least live he cheats and pretends he's playing it with his mouth whilst using an 'arpeggiator' to sounds the arpeggio. Hence the impossible mouth sweeping actually being impossible. Hope I havn't shattered any illusions :p

Lawl that's just a little trick he demonstrated on some Japanese chat show a while ago, he occasionally pulls it out of the bag for live shows, for example a while ago I remember reading in a review that he pretended to play some arpeggios with his bum, it was the pedal trick again :p Besides this arp in the Bliss solo is just part of the actual solo itself, the pedal trick is a different arpeggio played on its own for silly moments I think =D
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Andelusion said:
Although you've got to really hear everything in done to say you don't like him, as all of his projects are so different.

Yeah, I agree, and I haven't actually said I don't like him purely because I know I've not listened to the majority of his work. The stuff that I have heard has all been a bit 'meh', but I'm sure he's got some good stuf somewhere, hidden away. :p

I tried to check out some more of his stuff on YouTube, but my broadband connection is being upgraded or something, and the line is really patchy atm and with speeds so slow I can't stream video. :(

Oh, and I know the name Bumblefoot, just didn't recognise Ron Thal. :p
dmpoole said:
I've recently bought the Space Ship Live DVD - well worth a listen.
I've been meaning to buy that for a while now, just haven't got round to it.

Paul's probably my favourite of the 'shred' guitarists, alongside Malmsteen. Satch is cool and all, but gets a bit repetative after a while.

Al DiMeola and Allan Holdsworth take the crown as the jazz/fusion legends in my book, though.
Andelusion said:
I'd bet after a few years of listening to Gilbert and Dream Theater you might appreciate Govan more. I reall hope I'm not coming across as patronising here as I really don't mean to be, but personally I've spent years listening to Satch/DT/Vai and they were a huge inspiration to me in the beginning, and I'll always regard (especially Satch+Vai) as the reasons I got into guitar

Indeed, I really got into guitar with Passion & Warfare, The Extremist and Images and Words which took me to a whole new level after Metallica and Testament got my rhythm buds moist.. now I find I go through phases of playing a lot of Vai/Satch and then leave it for a few weeks.

Govan has done some amaing stuff hasn't he, I definitely think his music is a "next step up" (again, not being patronising).. I can tell if music is good though if my fiancee doesn't like it :p
Aye the thing about Govan is is that he's been a teacher most of his professional guitar playing life, he can pull off just about any style, he's the Sylar of guitar playing ( for those who watch Heroes :p ) which is why imo he can really push the boundaries and come up with some fresh sounding stuff.

Recently he recorded a solo over a Larry Carlton style backing track for a company 'Blues Jam Tracks' I think the name is (you'll find it on youtube easily, edit: ) and it instantly became a hit with tonnes of people on several guitar forums, mostly I think because it has such a fusion of styles, the typical 'flashy' alt. pick runs and sweeping, but also a lot of the feel from bebop and jazz players, I think it was just like a breath of fresh air after the thousands and thousands of people covering Dream Theater/Vai tunes etc :)
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dmpoole said:
I've recently bought the Space Ship Live DVD - well worth a listen.

Funnily enough, I ordered that yesterday, should hopefully be here by Monday. I've seen bits of it on YouTube fact, I had a great vid of Space Ship One from that DVD on a DVD I got with a guitar mag, but I've lost it, and I've never been able to find it on YouTube. Admittedly, I've never really looked, though. :p

Hasn't PG got a new DVD out now/soon, explaining how to play the songs off the new album? I saw it mentioned on a site, but I didn't catch whether it was out yet or not.
Just downloaded this and am listening to it as I type. Very up-beat, foot-tapping material. And IMO, if a song manages to either get me nodding along, or tapping, then it's sold. :)
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