I have recently become a huge Gilbert fan, but I'm really not fussed with his instrumental album 'Get Out Of My Yard'. There are good moments, mainly the opening track, but the rest are pretty generic. Rusty Old Boat and the Echo song are the other highlights.
However, his pop-rock songwriting is just great. It has totally made me appreciate that music can be fun and lighthearted, and not about technical achievement, which is fairly ironic since thats the reason I was turned my attention to him in the first place.
My personal favorites are:
Individually Twisted (You can youtube this one to listen, but I warn you the music video is painful!)
Space Ship One
Boku No Atama (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlHeUwWvsAc )
Alligator Farm
We all dream of love (No guitar!)
Every Hot Girl is a Rockstar
Each of which put a smile on my face, but there are plenty of other similar tunes. As such, he is a 'virtuoso' I can have on in my car and for my friends to enjoy it and not turn their nose up (Or just laugh at, in particular the embarrassing cheesefest that is Joe Satriani), Paul is by far away my favorite 'Technical guitarist'.
Interesting, Racer-X leaves me dead cold (Except one instrumental... hmm. I wonder what that could be

riddlermarc said:
I really wish the G3 tour with PG in it was coming to the UK
You do realise Paul is just about to tour England, right? I had to ebay my ticket *sniff*