Getting a dedicated server

Oh you have a business interest in the company? Fair enough. :)

At the budget end of the market you have the providers like Poundhost and Rapidswitch who do a fairly decent job. Pretty much everything is automated so they let you get on with everything for the most part. If you've never managed a server before though, and you ask them how to do something, they probably would tell you to Google it.
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this might be a silly Q / you might not care about it BUT...

how are you going to monetise this to make sure every month your not paying for others to play for free?

It gets real old, real fast plus you have the capital expense of actually buying the server as well.
Finally went with the following:
» Intel Core2Duo 2 x 2.5Ghz
» 2GB DDR2 PC5400 RAM
» 250GB SATA2 Hard Drive
» 2000GB transfer allowance /month
» Bandwidth usage monitoring

+ Windows server 2003 32 bit.

All for £55/mo. :)

@MossyUK: I am running this mainly for a community site that is in the works, I don't mind paying that amount monthly if it serves me and the community.

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