Getting a doctors appointment

PinkPig said:
It seems to depend enormously on where you are. At home it now seems to be you must phone within 24 to 48 hours before the appointment, at uni my only experience has been getting a cancellation 45 minutes after I phoned! :D

I don't quite get what people are saying about being "really bad" or "going to die", if you're in that much of a state then you can ask for an emergency appointment - or just go along and they will see you eventually (though expect to wait many many hours) - or indeed go to A&E. Routine appointments are supposed to be just that, routine.

absolutely spot on with the area thing. My mum and I live around 3 miles apart. She fell out of the area so signed on with her local doctor and they always give you an appointment on the day you ring. At the very worst you'd have to wait until the evening.

My doctor on the other hand,never has anything the same week.

I ended up with septic tonsilitis in October, made the appointment as soon as i felt it coming on, and 10 days later had to go to my 8.50am Monday morning appointment even though it was better as being shut over the weekend I couldn't give them 24-hours notice of the cancellation and if you don't turn up or give 24-hour notice you end up fighting even harder for an appointment
next time.

Unfortunately there are no spaces anywhere else in this area, so for the time being I'm stuck with it.
A friend of mine went to his GP on a Thursday and asked for an appointment for his 3 year old son....was told there was none free until the following Tuesday (but he couldnt book until the Tuesday morning) - so he asked the receptionist to check for sooner appointments , but she said there was none - and even if there was he couldnt book them ???)

He stayed put and said to her "Right, from now on I'm going to phone up every Tuesday of every week from work and book an appointment - whether I need it or not -that way at least i will get an appointment on a tuesday"
Receptionisy says "But you can't do that"
He says "Yes i can - and if i dont need it - I will call you 4 days after the appointment was due - and cancel it"
She says "but you can't do that!"
He says "why exactly ?"
She says "because you just can't"
He says "right then - im going to phone you once a month and book 4 appointments - 1 every week on a Tuesday - If I need an appointment - at least i get one that way"
She says "you can't do that either"
He says "do you want me to continue here - or are you going to give me an appointment in a reasonable time - or am i going to take my son to casualty ?"
She says "ok - lets see if we can fit you in tomorrow!"
It's sad when you ring to get an appointment for a doctor, and you are given the run-a-round. this is why so many are loosing it, and just becoming rude, or having to shout etc..

I tried to get an appointment for a blood test as already mentioned I had kidney stones last year. I just couldn't get anyone to see me, and I rang NHS direct who assigned me a pratice.

I called to get the appointment, and was given the run-a-round. I called back, and said, "yes, I'm in real pain, and started to croak, and made sounds like I was having problems breathing.., then hung up".

I called back five minutes later, and said, "yes I called you just five minutes ago, but I died as I couldn't get an appointment after three weeks of trying to get a blood test done, and due to me not being seen I died. Perhaps now I'm dead I don't really need a blood test doing anymore".

she wasn't amused, and I never did get the appointment, and I want to A & E in the end. Shocking, the NHS is such a mess.
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