Getting a GTX260 into an SG05

no i dont think anyone owuld have but it is interesitng to see his water cooling seems a bit strange thiough he could have not added so much to it and also he could have just used a corsair h50 but if this works i might have to get a sugo to give it a try where does the hdd go though anyone got a better website for this?
That is ridiculous what he is trying. Surely if you were putting in a GTX260 you'd forget about the watercooling? (ok granted he'd need bigger PSU)
I guess he doesn't use the Corsair H50 as that would be to easy for him... as he says he likes the challenge.

He could fit the hard drives against the side panels. Either way he's going to be cutting a lot of PSU cables off and the optical and hard drives are going to be a tight fit once he puts in the sata connections. Rather him than me
think the card will be too big tbh

Perhaps check the post with the link in above?

On another note, I'm in two minds whether I should do this for a 260 or just use a 4890 :p
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One important consideration should be power consumption. The GTX 260 consumes about 20W more than the GTS 250 at idle, and about 50W more than the GTS 250 at full power.

My measurements for a SG05 + 9300 ITX + E5200 + EVGA GTS 250 512 MB are 65W at idle and about 250W at full power. A better or overclocked CPU and a GTX 260 could easily require about 350 W, which would require a replacement of the stock SG05 PSU, and better PSUs of much the same size are not that easy to find.
Im running e7500, may cut OC back to just around the 3ghz mark, only got 1HD so im hoping this is a goer. I thought the GTX260 consumed less that the 4890 and the 4870 and as these are both running OK im thinking the GTX260 should be fine..
You might be lucky, but I would still run the PSU test in OCCT Perestroïka 3.1.0, which puts maximum stress on both the CPU and the GPU, and check the power consumption.
I originally messed about with the idea of watercooling mine (albeit with a radbox) but the tubing coming off the CPU block couldn't be turned to avoid the PSU without kinking, and at the time i had double height RAM so couldn't use angled barbs.

Good luck to this guy though.
OK lads I did it but due to a mid de menaour on the MM I have been banned for a week!

Heres the result, it was a tight squeeze and I did have to bend some metal so if you are a warranty freak or of a nervous disposition I would not reccomend. It runs very cool in there though and at idle the rig only draws around 100w... The PSU can definatly cope with a 260.

Nice, well done, can we get a view from the front? What are the power draws like when under load? Also when you say its running cold. is that with the side panels off like the picture or when all the parts of the case are on?
No runs cool with case on, upto about 70 degrees in company of heroes CPU doesnt go over 50 and has a mild overclock...

Ill take some pics tonight. But basically it just looks totally normal, I have not altered the external appearance at all.
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