Getting a write off back on the road...

Well that was dead easy getting them apart.

Please see pics and diagnose fault is possible :)


Is it me, or do those brake shoes look a little thin?

Saying that, I've never opened up one of my drums before but I'm sure from pictures that I've seen they should have way more material than that.

edit... After searching Google Images, it would appear that I'm wrong.

Sorry :(
the wheel cylinder is leaking, notice the dust built up around it (dust sticks to oil) and the muck around the 2 dust seals. Should be able to pick a new one up for about a tenner i think been ages since i done drums. Make sure you bleed the brakes after aswell.
Well I cleaned up the cylinder and the seals are in good condition and I cannot find any signs of leaks, I took the cylinder apart and have put it back under pressure.

Now I am putting it all back together.

2 Questions...

How do I check if the brakes are working to MOT standard and also how do i bleed the brakes?
Those shoes look like the ones i took of the paseo when i changed the brakes, there should be more material on than that surely. as for bleeding the brakes i did the following each cylinder has a bleed screw, i removed the cap of the brake fluid resovior (sp?) opened up the screwed to let all the air out simple.

Well it is all cleaned up and nice now.

But i cannot get the drum part back on. It just doesn't fit the shoes are in the way!

Any ideas?
There was a little adjuster arm that i needed to tweak.

All back together now. Any ideas on how to test if it's good enough?
Ahhh good stuff :)

Errr, put the wheel back on, spin it as quickly as you can and slam the brakes on?

If it stops straight away, I'm guessing it's ok.
Just back from the re-test.


My brake overhaul worked and it is now stronger than the N/S brake! :D

Overall braking % (not sure what this is) went from 15% to 27%. 16% or less is a fail so mine easily passed :)

He said it's probably worth servicing all the brakes as the other side it probably all dirty too.
The pedal is a bit softer now and the brake light on the dash is flickering on and off. I think the latter is due to the brake fluid not being a little low.

I think the spongyness is down to me needing to bleed the brakes. How do I do this properly?

EDIT - Just read up on bleeding. Seems all I need is my Dad (push the pedal) a bottle and a piece of tubing :)
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agw_01 said:
What's the next step then?

Tomorrow I change the insurance details on my policy from Mondeo to Rover 214. When I get them through in the post I can go and buy some tax. I can also book the VIC tomorrow.

I need to bleed the brakes to cure the spongyness so will do this Saturday morning before I am going on a drive to Southampton.
That's great! Really glad to hear things are getting back on track for you.

How's the progress with the Mondeo going? Any updates to the situation?
agw_01 said:
That's great! Really glad to hear things are getting back on track for you.

How's the progress with the Mondeo going? Any updates to the situation?
Not a word... :(

Now the Rover has passed it's worth a load more money and I dont have to worry about the Mondeo so much.

I need to bleed all the brakes though as I didn't do it properly today and the pedal is a little soft and the dash warning light is on. Obviously not dangerous otherwise it would have failed when he retested the brakes. But it will not take long to bleed them so I am going to do it Sat. morning.
Tesla said:
Tomorrow I change the insurance details on my policy from Mondeo to Rover 214. When I get them through in the post I can go and buy some tax. I can also book the VIC tomorrow.

Why do you need a VIC, have you not got the V5 and is it not in your name?
rossyl said:
Why do you need a VIC, have you not got the V5 and is it not in your name?
I have the V5 and it's not in my name!

If I send the slip off I know it will come back saying I need a VIC so may aswell just go and do one.
I can now legally drive it on the roads! :D

So I took it for a burn and it actually accelrates quite well, I was quite suprised.

1st gear is a bit stiff getting into but other than that its fine.

The instruments rattle like mad and I cannot seem to stop it though, driving me nuts. I have packed it out with bubble wrap but it still rattles! Ahh!

Oh and one of the speakers is rattling loads, also driving me nuts.

Might have a look later.
HAHA :D Nice one! Glad you aren't TOO displeased with the car.

Regarding the rattling, is it the actual instrument unit or the surrounding panel? Mine has a habit of rattling sometimes. Just give it a quick push back and it stops for a couple of days. Probably just wants screwing back into place.

I think all R65 gearboxes are stiff in 1st. The 25,000 mile box in my car is the same.

If you like the 214i, you should try the 214iS with the 16v unit in. That's gotta be quite nippy.
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