This is a good tip and something I noticed reading around last night.
Apparently with the heatpipes the MSI GTX970 is too high to fit in the Air 240 but the EVGA/Gigabyte models fit fine.
I've decided to go with the Gigabyte after reading some comparisons.
On the PSU: I will go with 650W I think just for some headroom, have never had a problem with corsair so am thinking of the RM 650W Gold+?
Lee: Interesting, why do you suggest the BX100 over the MX200? I read that the MX200 is an upgrade on the BX100 in terms of speed and it seems the price is quite similar.
If you can get the MX200 for the same price then go with it. I am just going off OCUK prices as the BX100 is currently £20 cheaper.
1 x Crucial MX200 250GB 2.5" SSD SATA 6Gbps 7mm Solid State Drive ( CT250MX200SSD1) £89.99
1 x Crucial BX100 250GB SSD SATA 6Gbps 7mm Solid State Drive (CT250BX100SSD1) £69.95
Total : £159.94 (includes shipping : Ex.VAT).