Getting Back to Fitness

Pre nights legs:

Front squat 60 x 3 x 10, 65 x 2 x 10
Back squat 65 x 5 x 10
TRX pistol squats BW x 4 x 8 each leg.

And I'm spent... Ankle really ballooned after the DLs yesterday so left out heavy leg press and lunges. 100 squats should do the trick though. (164 if the single leg squats count!)
Post nights shoulders
DB OHP - 30 x 5 x 5 (well, x 8 on the last set)
Lateral raise - 12.5 x 5 x 5
Front raise SS back fly - 10 x 4 x 5, 12.5 x 5
Face pulls 80 x 8, 85 x 2 x 8
Arnold press 17.5 x 15
Pull ups 5x5
Rotator cuff band work.

Should get some sleep after all that!
Not a great start to the week. Couldn't do back because of pulled L trapezius (good shoulder session at least) so did chest and right shoulder still isn't good... Grrr. Also gym very busy for 2:30 on a Monday.
Rotator cuff band warm up
DB press 35 x 4 x 10
Incline press 17.5 x 3 x 10, 20 x 10
DB fly abandoned due to shoulder pain! No dips either.
TRX pistol squats - better each time.

Upper body needs a rest I think, more legs and cycling coming up I think.
Legs - not feeling it today. Weekend catching up, need a good sleep after my weekend on call.

FS - 60 x 2 x 10, 65 x 2 x 10
Pistol squats - can now do right leg only holding on to straps with left arm.
Leg extension and hamstring curl machines.

Bit of a miserable session, will try back tomorrow after a good sleep.
They're good for power and proprioception - ideal for the ankle. Can't do them without straps yet, but working on it!

Back today. Much better after a rest and a good feed.
BOR 5(60,70,70,70,70,75)
DL 5(100,120), 3(130), 2(140,140,140)
Pull ups 5x5
Wide grip seated row 5(85,90,90,90,95) 60x20 drop set.

Ran to and from the gym. Going to give chest day a miss for a few weeks to let my shoulder recover, but legs and back should profit. Might do a light shoulders only session.
I don't really like them because they are more about fatigue management and "not entirely reflective movement" (I.e not sufficient carry-over into my primary lifts) for me to continue with them.

I used to do them last year, but swapped them out for deficit Bulgarian split squats because they were more reflective of my training needs And are so much more painful.

This might sound counterintuitive, but instead of straps, hold some Dumbbells as it actually makes balancing easier. ;) :D
Will give dumbbells a go, it may end in lols for the other gym goers! DBSS sound vey painful, but once I've nailed the pistol squats I might move on to them. I'm not sure they're quite as good for developing balance on my weaker left leg, but I may be wrong.
Well, using TRX straps isn't chesting now, is it. ;)

DBSS are interesting for a couple of reasons:

- better for core strength (you have to brace properly and use your muscles as you would squatting)
- better for legs because the movement is a lot more stable
- fun for balance if you use a single dumbell in one hand (off-set loading)

It is personal preference at the end of the day: pistols burnt out my quads without really doing much for my squatting (no core bracing) so I switched them out. If you want to do pistols then that is cool... they look awesome, too. ;)
Of course it's cheating! My balance/stability is rubbish! Getting much better and I'll definitely have a go with some dumbells next. Will also look at DBSS - especially as no squat rack in the gym :( Worth using a strap for the back foot to create instability?

FS 10(60,65,70,70). Feeling good, the challenge will be cleaning the bar with a heavier weight!
Pistol squats 4x10 - no chance with DBs held out front!
DBSS - hard work even with 8kg DBs - left leg is much weaker and less steady in these but managed 3 x 10 on both legs. Weight can increase now I've got some idea of the technique. Great for the core too it would seem.
Baby got back - a sore back (hur hur not in a dropped the soap kind of way) - lower back just refused to warm up today.
BOR - 5(60,60,65,70,70,75)
DL - 5(60,100,100) 3(120,100,100) 5(100) - decided to drop the weight as lower back was not feeling the love at all.
Pull ups BW x 5x5
Wide grip seated row 10(70,75,80,80)

Got out on the bicycle today too for a quick trip to get it serviced. Tomorrow I'll cycle to work and back. Looking forward to it - I just hope the weather is as good as it is today!

Oh, and DBSS = DOMS even with the girly pink weights it would seem!
Made my first cycle commute to work since my injury today. Felt good, but seriously shattered now! Took just over an hour on the way and about 1:15 on the way back, and that's despite using my new fancy carbon road bike instead of the lead-iron alloy hybrid (managed just under an hour before). Not sure I'm going to get another chance this week due to rota, but I'll try for twice next week.
Legs. Had too much wine last night so was feeling weak. Didn't do so badly though.

FS 10(60,65,70,70,70)
DBSS 10kg DB 4 x 10
TRX pistol squats 4x10

Nights again yuck!

BOR 5(60,65,70,75,75,80)
DL 5(80,100,120) 3(130) 140, 150, 155, fail at 160 twice
Pull ups 5x5 BW
Seated row 50 x 5 x 5

Strong DOMS from Friday's leg session!
Treated myself to shoulders today:

DB OHP - 27.5 x 5 x 5. Couldn't get the 30's up again. Frustrating.
Front raise 10 x 5 x 5
Back fly 10 x 5 x 5
Lateral raise 10 x 5 x 5
Face pull 60 x 3 x 10
BW dips 4 x 12. Felt easy, but a mistake as I think this has tweaked my shoulder. No bench and no dips for a while yet I fear.
Also seem to have sprained my left ankle before another cycle to work. I hope it settles down overnight as tomorrow's going to be a beautiful day for it.
Update time!

I didn't think you lot would be all that interested in my cycling to work, but I've just completed 125 miles of commuting this week on the bike. Major goal completed following my broken ankle and I think I'm fitter than I was before the injury. I don't feel like I want to die and I didn't run out of steam too much towards the end of the week. I'm now the lightest I've been since 1st year of uni at 15 stone - good for wedding photos!

What's next? Continue cycling to work while I've got my current commute. Once I start my research job I'm going to hit the gym again seeing as my commute to work is all of 1.5 miles so not much good for cycling fitness. Not all gainz have been lost with all this cardio, but it'll be great to get lifting again! Expect a fresh log in October to celebrate the start of lifting season.

Who knows, I might even get playing some rugby again :eek:
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