Getting Into A Relashionship?!

16 Oct 2005
Hmm.. Sunday afternoon, bored, hungover, time for a random "relashionship" thread :D

First of all i know some of you guys are gonna take the mickey bliss, but i don't care :p

Im 21 and the longest relashionship i have been in before was 6 months, but that was pretty much just sex and not much else! Im now on the verge of getting into my first "proper" relashionship so obviously im pretty new to a lot of things! Been hooking up with this girl for a few months now txting etc and we had our first full on official date on Friday which went great! We some times phone, but our main form of communication is txts... still.. urghh!! We used to constantly send txts all day, but now they seem to have dried up to 1-5 a day?! Some times i'll txt her and i wont hear back from her for 2 days :confused: Does every one get past the "txt stage" or is she just being an ignorant bitch?

Thanks :D
Thanks so far guys! That's the thing though, im absolutely crazy about her and hate it when i go a day without hearing from her! I start to feel really down, but i guess i just gotta get used to it :)
It's been a few MONTHS and you only just went out on a date recently? Sorry to say, but you've missed the window of opportunity for a relationship... welcome to the friend zone.

Haha i hope not! We have hooked up a few times, but kinda put friday as the first real steps if you like! She's still as keen as ever when we meet up to pounce on me so i think that's a bit more than friendship ;)

Edit: And it's only taken so long because she only split up with her ex last year so wasn't ready to start dating again.
Bloody females!! Sooo confusing! Just about to ring her earlier and she txts me back... after 24 hours exactally :/ Asked yesterday if she wanted to come round in the week for a take away and a film even though i know she would say no as her cars buggered and she has prep to do after work each day for a week for a hair show! She's gonna come round next week though and i really dont wanna do it, but im gonna have to bring it up and ask her if she wants to full on start "seeing" each other. She's really timid(sp) so i know she is gonna squirm when i bring it up, but i think i gotta do it?!

I know you guys dont care, but i dont have a blog ;)
This just gets bloody worse! Saw my cousin yesterday who is one of her best friends and told her she p***** me off the start of last week cos she didn't answer my txts and 1 of my phone calls so she goes and bloody tells her!! Now i get a ****ty txt from "the girl" saying how did she p*** me off?!

How the hell do i get out of this one?! Be a man and tell the truth or blag it some how?!
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