Getting Into A Relashionship?!

16 Oct 2005
Hmm.. Sunday afternoon, bored, hungover, time for a random "relashionship" thread :D

First of all i know some of you guys are gonna take the mickey bliss, but i don't care :p

Im 21 and the longest relashionship i have been in before was 6 months, but that was pretty much just sex and not much else! Im now on the verge of getting into my first "proper" relashionship so obviously im pretty new to a lot of things! Been hooking up with this girl for a few months now txting etc and we had our first full on official date on Friday which went great! We some times phone, but our main form of communication is txts... still.. urghh!! We used to constantly send txts all day, but now they seem to have dried up to 1-5 a day?! Some times i'll txt her and i wont hear back from her for 2 days :confused: Does every one get past the "txt stage" or is she just being an ignorant bitch?

Thanks :D
I prefer seeing the woman in question rather than texting furiously like a 14yr old. She's probably bored of texting and would rather see you/speak to you on the phone. I don't see the need for texting all day, it'll get boring very quick and when you actually see the person you'll have nothing to talk about because you've been texting all day.

The constant need for you to be in communication may scare her off, women hate to be smothered. I learnt that the hard way when I was 19.
It's only a matter of time if your constantly texting before you run out of things to talk about. Either that or you get bored of texting the same random dribble all the time. You don't have to have contact with the other person every day, gives you plenty to talk about when you do catch up!
Thanks so far guys! That's the thing though, im absolutely crazy about her and hate it when i go a day without hearing from her! I start to feel really down, but i guess i just gotta get used to it :)
You'll calm down, I know what it's like though! Keep yourself busy, get a hobby, build model aircraft or something silly to keep yourself busy. You don't wanna be scaring her off.
the text stage does work :)

ive only known a girl from texting and talking on msn a lot, met her while i was working the door at local pub / bar and had last night off so went out and saw her properly. got on very well and hopefully heading to more now :D
text is the ignorant persons way of communicating.

as such if she doesn't reply back in an hour or two quite simply - she doesn't care.

move onto the next one.

Are you joking?

I hate communicating via text. I loathe it. I find waiting for a reply frustrating. If people text me, I phone them.

I text my girlfriend maybe once or twice a day. Why not just phone her every 6 hours or so for a quick chat? Much better; you put 20 messages into 5 minutes of conversation.

I purposely spread out sending texts to girlfriends since I can't be bothered to reply or be replied to. OP, if your text frequency has declined, I wouldn't worry :)
Texting is OK for simple questions or saying you're gonna be 5 minutes late but basing pretty much all communications on text is crazy. It's was young teenagers do not adults.

Make real contact with her, see how things are and go from there.
Are you joking?

I hate communicating via text. I loathe it. I find waiting for a reply frustrating. If people text me, I phone them.

I text my girlfriend maybe once or twice a day. Why not just phone her every 6 hours or so for a quick chat? Much better; you put 20 messages into 5 minutes of conversation.

I purposely spread out sending texts to girlfriends since I can't be bothered to reply or be replied to. OP, if your text frequency has declined, I wouldn't worry :)

no, i'm not joking. i'd text a friend or something but i'd rather 'see' the person i'm going sleep with that night.

your post sounds contradictory to me but i may be reading it wrong.
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