Getting into Web Design.

25 Oct 2012
Hi guys, was hoping to get into web design and i don't know where to start :P I want to be able to practice and create a website without paying for hosting/domain names. What can i do? Thanks -Brad.
Hi guys, was hoping to get into web design and i don't know where to start :P I want to be able to practice and create a website without paying for hosting/domain names. What can i do? Thanks -Brad.

If you are a 'sit down and read' type of person, I'd suggest having a look at "Designing with Web Standards" by Jeffrey Zeldman. I bought one of the early editions years ago when all I knew about web design was basic editing in Frontpage. His writing style is great for beginners.
For the web server side of it by not paying for hosting use WAMP or something similar. They provide basic functionality of HTML etc but also means you can broaden into some php and database usage using the same package in the future when you have grasped the usage of html.

It's probably best to just start off very basic and use HTML and css to get a feel for how the structure of HTML works, and what you can do with css to shape things into a design without needing to do any real design work.

If you just think up a little basic website in your head (Doesn't need much content) and just start laying down some divs you can then start Googling or using w3 (and Stackoverflow/Dreamincode once you are a bit more understanding) to find out how to do certain things. You can then evolve onto trying to emulate some website out there, and understand how people are doing certain things. It's like most things, once you have the core concept of the mechanism the fancy shiny bits all fit easily into the puzzle and it all suddenly becomes second nature.

Tutorials are good as well, but I find quite a lot don't really explain what is happening and people tend to just copy and paste, get the working creation and have not learned much about what is actually making the design work. I've heard that Codecademy do some very good tutorials that explain the actual workings, but am not sure if there are any on HTML/CSS.

I started off using Dreamweaver, but now I find it a lot easier just to use Notepad ++ and Chrome to develop basic sites. Chrome's development tools are pretty good, and I am sure there is an addon that adds similar functionality to FF. I found that trying to reproduce other websites designs for practice and learning was very good - Just don't choose some massive companies website (As these will be using server side scripting to generate pages which can cause confusion sometimes)!
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