I've never found druids a good soloing class, and they certainly aren't the best.
0gami - quite a few people on the forums have made new characters on Eonar, which is a brand new "normal" server. If you've not played since the summer, then you probably missed the battlegrounds becoming so big. Most pvping is done within them, so even if you want to get a high rank, it's probably going to be the same amount of effort on normal as a pvp server. World pvp generally tends to just be ganking, or trying to annoy opposing faction guilds.
If you enjoyed your previous hunter, then I'd definately recommend making a new one, as they are a lot of fun
. There are a lot of new moves for different types of pets, such as prowl for cats.
Blizzard said something about having the expansion ready for this summer, although that was taken off the site pretty quickly and there has since been no date announced at all. I'm expecting to see it in europe towards the end of the year though.