I reckon I could be persuaded to start over, been a couple months since I cancelled so I think I can control myself this time (I cancelled to kick my addiction).
I was set on a Troll Rogue though, and I doubt i'd go on a PvE server after the debacle that was "Nordrassil" - too many people on there suck personality wise. Strikes me that the PvE servers recently set up have been taken over by people who got kicked off their old servers as everybody hated them.
I have (/had) 2 60's and a 40 on Argent Dawn RP, and I can say that I have NEVER used the walk key. True RP'ers are nicer people on the whole. The only difference is that you can't go up to someone and ask "LGF f0r d3adm!n3z!!!11eleven!" and that you have to choose a good name for your character, not "iamahunterlol!" (seen that one on a PvE server