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GFX card thats in your heart?

My x800 pro which i flashed to XT PE speeds, and then some :D

I had it over a year, it served me well through it :) The only reason i sold it is because i made the move over to PCI-E, and now i've got an X1800 XL :D
My first card, 3dfx Voodoo, Quake at 640x480 looked gorgeous. Cost loads, mates all thought I was mad until they saw it running.

TNT2 Ultra, that card lasted for ages playability wise.
My favourite was probably my Diamond Riva TNT 16mb, lasted longer than any other card I've had i nterms of service, took loads of abuse, was overclocked to hell and back had various different heatsinks installed on it and still works today :p ...although it's not used anymore, just sits in a box collecting dust now.
chaparral said:
:( That's not fair..My voodoo2 cost me £120.....I want my £50 overcharge back.. :(
Was your's 8mb or 12mb??

See my best friend playing Quake2 with his voodoo1 card all them years ago..Was what got me to buy my very first PC..

I got no idea what it was now... my memory isnt what it used to be! Think its still knocking about at my parents house somewhere.. might dig it out one day when I go to visit, make an old machine and clock it till it burns:D
My old Voodoo. Yes, the original Voodoo. When I bought it, AFAIK it was supported by just two things - Quake and the demo that came with the card.

It was such a stunning improvement over software rendering on the CPU I had back then (a Cyrix 5x86-100 IIRC), that I just gawped at it and then phoned friends to have them come round and look. One of them said "Where did you buy that?", then drove straight there and bought one himself. It really was that much better than what was out before it.
Voodoo 1 for me as well, always remember the trusty pass through cable lol... and GL quake just looked outstanding. Another game that came with it I'll always remember is Formula 1 something or other, just looked SO good with 3dfx power :)
Geforce2 MX?!:confused: they were awful cards, even back in their day.

For me it has to be my old MSI Geforce4 Ti4200, what a card. Think it was about £110.
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Probably my GeForce 4600Ti is the one I loved best - it's passed from me, to my cousin, to my dad (over how ever many years since it was originally released), and has only just been replaced, and that's only because I had a space 6600GT AGP lying around for my dad instead! :p

The graphis card on my second computer, Geforce 4 4600Ti, very expensive when I got it, wasn't even released where I was so got it specially from US:p

Lasted me a few years until the fan died on me :( Replaced it with my current ATI 9200 last year ^_^
AT9700pro, was one of the first to get it, and it served me over 3 years. Never failed, and still today play latest game quite well. HL2 plays brilliantly, had to retire it after getting the X800XTPE, it's grandson so to speak.
i'd say has to be my "Gainward Ge Force 3 Ti500" - so really a Ti200 overclocked :D

lasted me until i got my 6800GT, i completed HL2 and doom3 on the old Ti500, overclocked it past a couple of Geforce4 Ti cards in the benchmarks, it outran most of my friends "new" cards

its now back in its box, to see the light of day again soon when i come to build my recording studio PC :D
Probably my old Msi ti4200 back in the day, Picked it up for £20 as the owner told me it was dead, When recieved, tried it and was working fine so i saved £100+ on the card:D

ahhhhh, good ol days
would have to say my old voodoo1 4mb LOL Lasted a couple of years on my pentium 200mhz(which was the most stable and reliable pc i ever owned!) Then i upgraded to a voodoo 3 16meg when i found i coud'nt run freespace2 very well and it made a big difference! I eventually upgraded my pc to a 1ghz athlon in 2001 and that pc lasted me up until this month! I replaced the voodoo 2 with a geforce 4 mmx 2003 and that is still in my other pc But iv not really played many games the last year or so.
I've had many cards over the last decade or so. My top3 "special" cards that I'll always think fondly of.....the ones I've been tempted to take out every night and place lovingly on the pillow next to me...

Number 3:
ASUS ATi Radeon 9600XT 128MB

Cracking little card. Only planned on using it for a few months until I could afford something better. Was still going strong 18 months later. It coped fine with FarCry, Doom3 and HL2, with medium settings of course. Fantastic cooling from ASUS as well - I never managed to max the clocks out....it just got to the point where I was too chicken to keep going :) It's currently about to sell on fleabay....I'll shed a tear when I take it down the post office.

Number 2:
XFX 6800nu 128MB AGP

My current card. I love it to bits. It was great value anyway - fast and not too pricey. Then I discovered it would completely unlock to 16/6.....and overclock a chunk as well. The performance just kept going up and up....and my smile got bigger and bigger. As long as it doesn't go pop I'll be using it for a long time to come.

Number 1:
Creative 12MB 3dfx Voodoo2

It was mind blowing at the time. Going from a pixelated mass of software rendered dullness to super smooth, dynamically lit hardware accelerated goodness. It was like getting a new pair of eyes. Forget FSAA and HDR....they're small visual tweaks compared to that jump in quality. And I haven't even mentioned SLI. The V2 was a beast.
Has to be my Sapphire Radeon 9700 128MB.
Great card, never had any problems with it & it still runs in my Athlon XP machine.
It was a big boost in performance from my Leadtek Geforce MX460 64MB.
Curio said:
Number 1:
Creative 12MB 3dfx Voodoo2

It was mind blowing at the time. Going from a pixelated mass of software rendered dullness to super smooth, dynamically lit hardware accelerated goodness. It was like getting a new pair of eyes. Forget FSAA and HDR....they're small visual tweaks compared to that jump in quality. And I haven't even mentioned SLI. The V2 was a beast.

Hmmm, thinking back I guess you're right!

I remember many nights playing Quake 1 (Painkeep goodness - remember the original gravity gun? Not that rubbish thing in HL2, but a weapon that sucks EVERYTHING in the vicinity into a mini black hole, inlcuding you if you're too close!) and Quake 2 and later on Weapons Factory mod for Quake 2.

Maybe I'll change my vote from Ti4600 to Voodoo2 SLI (which at the time meant 'Scan Line Interleave').

Did you have to pair them with a main graphics card, or was that Voodoo1 only? I can't recall...

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